Guilt & Shame Quiz


Amoureux des Chatons
Staff member
947 sx/sp
Results (Feb 12th, 2022 at 4:06am EST)

Guilt Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a guilt self-talk level of ~91% (with a raw score of 51 out of 55), which is reflective of frequent use of Guilt Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Guilt (feelings of remorse when we have done something bad or failed to do something good) is a healthy emotion—it is interconnected with our ability to care about others. Thus a higher level of guilt self-talk is usually good, as it indicates we are concerned for how we impact other people.

However, guilt and shame are often confused with each other (e.g., one might use the word “guilt” but actually mean “shame”). Additionally, shame loves to piggyback on healthy guilt, overriding it with toxic feelings. It takes practice to learn to discern the difference within yourself between guilt and shame.

Shame Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a shame self-talk level of ~1% (with a raw score of 11 out of 55), which is reflective of seldom use of Shame Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Unlike guilt (which is related to our ability to empathize with others), shame is never good for us—it is always toxic to our system. Everyone struggles with shame, whether they are conscious of it or not. However, we each have the ability to learn to recognize, and subsequently fight back against the shaming part of us. This takes intentional work, and we have to have someone who can guide us in building those mental/emotional muscles. I encourage you to talk with your counselor about the degree to which you are struggling with shame.

Blaming Others
Your answers indicate a blaming-talk level of ~1% (with a raw score of 11 out of 55), which is reflective of seldom use of Blaming-Talk towards others (according to this quiz).

Blame is basically externalized shame—shame turned towards another person. We may try to shift our feelings of shame onto another as a way of trying to reduce those toxic feelings within us. This common approach doesn’t actually work, and it ends up being hurtful to others (and oneself). However, a pattern of blaming others can help you start to recognize that you are struggling with shame underneath the surface. If that is the case, I encourage you to talk with a counselor about that.

Results (Feb 21st, 2022 at 11:58am EST)
Guilt Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a guilt self-talk level of ~60% (with a raw score of 37 out of 55), which is reflective of seldom use of Guilt Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Guilt (feelings of remorse when we have done something bad or failed to do something good) is a healthy emotion—it is interconnected with our ability to care about others. Thus a higher level of guilt self-talk is usually good, as it indicates we are concerned for how we impact other people.

However, guilt and shame are often confused with each other (e.g., one might use the word “guilt” but actually mean “shame”). Additionally, shame loves to piggyback on healthy guilt, overriding it with toxic feelings. It takes practice to learn to discern the difference within yourself between guilt and shame.

Shame Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a shame self-talk level of ~69% (with a raw score of 41 out of 55), which is reflective of frequent use of Shame Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Unlike guilt (which is related to our ability to empathize with others), shame is never good for us—it is always toxic to our system. Everyone struggles with shame, whether they are conscious of it or not. However, we each have the ability to learn to recognize, and subsequently fight back against the shaming part of us. This takes intentional work, and we have to have someone who can guide us in building those mental/emotional muscles. I encourage you to talk with your counselor about the degree to which you are struggling with shame.

Blaming Others
Your answers indicate a blaming-talk level of ~30% (with a raw score of 24 out of 55), which is reflective of average use of Blaming-Talk towards others (according to this quiz).

Blame is basically externalized shame—shame turned towards another person. We may try to shift our feelings of shame onto another as a way of trying to reduce those toxic feelings within us. This common approach doesn’t actually work, and it ends up being hurtful to others (and oneself). However, a pattern of blaming others can help you start to recognize that you are struggling with shame underneath the surface. If that is the case, I encourage you to talk with a counselor about that.
That was cool.
Guilt Self Talk: 93%
Shame Self Talk: 66%
Blaming Others: 17%

I need to blame others a lot less. Dammit, is that Guilt self talk talking?
Guilt Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a guilt self-talk level of ~87% (with a raw score of 49 out of 55), which is reflective of frequent use of Guilt Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Shame Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a shame self-talk level of ~46% (with a raw score of 31 out of 55), which is reflective of average use of Shame Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Blaming Others
Your answers indicate a blaming-talk level of ~17% (with a raw score of 18 out of 55), which is reflective of seldom use of Blaming-Talk towards others (according to this quiz).

Guilt & Shame Quiz (Results)

Results (Feb 27th, 2022 at 4:36am EST)
Guilt Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a guilt self-talk level of ~78% (with a raw score of 45 out of 55), which is reflective of average use of Guilt Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Shame Self-Talk
Your answers indicate a shame self-talk level of ~26% (with a raw score of 22 out of 55), which is reflective of seldom use of Shame Self-Talk (according to this quiz).

Blaming Others
Your answers indicate a blaming-talk level of ~30% (with a raw score of 24 out of 55), which is reflective of average use of Blaming-Talk towards others (according to this quiz).