God Given | INFJ Forum

God Given

knight in battle

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
I have wondered about those days when all I could see was the troubles of life. The next thought is always about how much better my life is compared to "those people there" or what good things I do have already. At the very least, my current life circumstance is always better than being maimed in some tragic incident. And then I am on my way toward "counting my blessings" (to borrow religious terminology).

Another useful thought to my psyche is the idea that every good thing that happens depends on a number of assumptions. My ability to enjoy relational connection, for example, is tied to the assumption that I am in a state in which I can appreciate such interaction. It assumes that I'm alive and conscious enough to enjoy the interaction or blessing. This assumes that my most basic needs are being met, which assumes that I am not too busy obtaining those things. And this assumes that either I or my providers were physically functioning to the extent of being able to meet these basic needs. And the relational connection is based on some moment or encounter, which assumes I was at a time or place where this good thing could happen.

It's fascinating to see all the things that a divine person would arrange to produce just one enjoyable moment.
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