[INFJ] Frequent travelling for work? Is it a mistake?


Greetings everyone,
I am new to the forums/site. I am a pretty spot-on INFJ. I think the descriptions under the "protector" label tend to fit better than the "counselor" label, but they both do. The "Infj's at work" type descriptions are extremely accurate of me, I think: so much so that I wish I had kept those things more in mind when choosing jobs. (And not listened to the voices in my head that can talk me into just about anything saying it will be ok... )

My career I am certain of: I work in a branch of rehab medicine and I found the thing I was born to do. Who I do it for, however, and in what form I have yet to find a good fit.
I need the right environment to thrive, but when I do, I really do. (And when I don't, I really don't) I'm sensitive to my physical and interpersonal environment to the point that it can ruin an otherwise good thing.

On that note, I am looking at new jobs right now--and one I think would be really good for me. It would be more as an educator than as a clinician. It would allow me to focus on a subspecialty that I absolutely love: the thing I love so much I do it in my free time and would continue o even if I won the lottery. It takes that specialty and skims off the top: I'd get the coolest stuff at a faster pace with less of the monotony. I would get to be a helper, a clinician, a teacher, a writer, a problem solver. It would place me at the top of that subspecialty and give me a certain prestige and status in our field that I am ashamed to say is very tempting and would make me feel very confident, needed and that I've really achieved something.
I wouldn't have to move cities, which might save my personal relationship.

BUT. It is a field-based position that requires 50-75% travel. I was told travel is M-W or Thurs-Fri, 3x a month or every week. The other days working from home. It would be majority on the west coast-ish, so the flights wouldn't be too long.

I've never had to travel for work before, and I've always liked the travel I've done for pleasure. I only find travel hard if I am literally on planes all day with 2 layovers and such.
My question is this: If my personality profile as an INFJ is spot on, and I do get overwhelmed easily and have not in any way achieved zen-master calm, do you think I'd be able to handle the travel? or would it wear me down physically, emotionally, and burn me out?
I can't decide.

I can easily see how it would. But I can also picture other things: like possibly feeling very self-sufficient and independent, travelling around (and not under someone's thumb in an office). It would force me out into the world and not let me get in my ruts and routines. Perhaps the 2 days of working from home might offset the travelling part? because I could be in my own totally self-controlled environment (and not at the whims of another's office).
And would it help or hurt my relationship? I am a true introvert, with some intimacy and avoidance issues. I can't tell if the 3 days out of town would make me feel intensely lonely? or if it would give me space and solitude in the evenings that would allow me to come back to my boyfriend and be close--not feeling like I go from work to him to work to him and frequently feel like I just want to be alone. Could it also be good that it gives me a situation in which to develop other friendships and relationships and allow me to be more connected in a way that I don't do when I go from the office to home and back again? I love love LOVE going to industry conferences and such, and in some ways, this job would be a little piece of that, all the time.

I am not always good at predicting my responses to things. I tend to make decisions based on my 'ideal self'. But I'm also a chicken with a horrible fear of failure that can always find reasons not to do something like this. It is very possible that I'm so afraid I wouldn't be good enough for this position, that I would fail or that others would think me not qualified and therefore looking for reasons NOT to take it.
Both seem equally likely at this point.

So I'm asking you-who-are-probably-more-like-me-than-anyone-else-I-can-get-advice-from: what is your experience with this? have any of you every had to travel for work? What was it like? what was good/bad, etc?
I'm looking to see if I get mixed answers with what comments... or if the answer is a resounding NO IT WAS AWFUL. (that would be telling) :)

Thank you all for reading and for your responses!
Personally, I would not like it.

I don't like airports or air travel especially (except the views - dat tarmac).

The way you put it as 3 days out so you're not just work-home-work-home is a good point. That makes it more appealling.

I think the job sounds quite good if you can be organised, I'm very hit and miss with keeping a good routine. So often I will look like a cave creature until about an hour before work starts. This wouldn't really be an option in your case. That's probably a good thing but I'm trying to think about this as I am, my ideal self would be very organised.

I doubt you'll feel intensely lonely and if you love love LOVE that aspect of the job well...brilliant.

Will you be able to motivate yourself to work at home if you've been travelling or will you want to collapse and sleep forever?

It's that bit where I have to navigate airports and unfamiliar places that knackers me. If I could get a grip on that, it would be okay.

A bit of a scatterbrained reply but I really don't want to advise you at all. This is your decision.
I would take a job like this if it were a stepping stone to a better one. You will get tired of the travel but if you look at the job as a two to three year skill builder, it will probably get you into the education side of your career and you will make connections through your travels.
As for your relationship, if it is serious enough for him to have a say in your decision?
I personally love the idea of travel. With no family of my own to tie me down... However if I had to travel to some place like Detroit constantly I suppose it would get old quickly.
think of it as one big adventure, with lots of alone time to recharge. bring books, cross-stitching, music, videos to keep you company when you are away. i have had to travel for work in a previous job, there are places in country new south wales (australia) i would never have imagined to go to - i'm a city girl. i love how different the country landscape could be.. endless farmlands, bushlands, mountains.. how different types of aircraft fly to the smaller airports - for example for a one-hour flight i flew in a 16-passenger, propeller driven buckety rickety scary plane. it had no inflight entertainment. but it was still fun.

if the location and your time allow it, do touristy things. hike. ski. shop. take pictures, but most of all enjoy the whole experience. if this career change is one of your dreams by all means do it of it does not impact your relationships. if it wears you down and you can't recharge emotionally and physically, then it will be time to move on.
Thank you guys for your responses!

Cornerstone: Hmmmm would I want to collapse and sleep forever.... now that is an excellent point. I think that if I loved my job otherwise, I'd be ok. When I've wanted to withdraw and collapse and hide from the world, it's been because there was something wrong. The last 3 jobs I had my bosses were either horrible or so completely different in personality to me that they were exhausting (very sales-y personality) As long as the travel itself didn't wear me out and I liked the work, I think I'd be ok if I set up my home office and environment the right way and stuck to a schedule.
But you never know..... But all of those former jobs were fine for awhile--great even--and then reality set in. That's what makes me so afraid.

My boyfriend absolutely should have a say in the decision, but for some reason he won't. I try to have it be a "discussion" and he is resistant to that. He wants me to just decide what I want to do and then we'll talk about it. (but then he resents that I am not considering what he wants--it doesn't make any sense and is driving me crazy)

I know I could handle it for a few years, but the problem is that I've had to jump around a lot in the last 4 years because of my newness in the industry (residencies and such) and wherever I go next, I want to stay. I don't want it to be a temporary skill builder--I want to find a home. It takes me so long to settle in and feel comfortable and not nervous and "hit my stride" enough to thrive (I bet you guys understand that better than most!)
I don't have kids, and I think I need more out of my job than most people--I want a work family! Is that too much to ask? sometimes I think I'm being naïve....

Event Horizon: I don't think it would be Detroit-ish. It would be mostly west coast USA, US headquarters is in Austin, TX, and I might even get to go to Germany! (where headquarters is located)

Thank you guys! If you have any other thoughts, I'd love to hear it!
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If your boyfriend is an introvert like you, he will probably not have a problem with it. What you need to realize is that those who travel for employment have a higher threat to relationships than those who do not.
Thank you guys for your responses!

Cornerstone: Hmmmm would I want to collapse and sleep forever.... now that is an excellent point. I think that if I loved my job otherwise, I'd be ok. When I've wanted to withdraw and collapse and hide from the world, it's been because there was something wrong. The last 3 jobs I had my bosses were either horrible or so completely different in personality to me that they were exhausting (very sales-y personality) As long as the travel itself didn't wear me out and I liked the work, I think I'd be ok if I set up my home office and environment the right way and stuck to a schedule.
But you never know..... But all of those former jobs were fine for awhile--great even--and then reality set in. That's what makes me so afraid.

My boyfriend absolutely should have a say in the decision, but for some reason he won't. I try to have it be a "discussion" and he is resistant to that. He wants me to just decide what I want to do and then we'll talk about it. (but then he resents that I am not considering what he wants--it doesn't make any sense and is driving me crazy)

I know I could handle it for a few years, but the problem is that I've had to jump around a lot in the last 4 years because of my newness in the industry (residencies and such) and wherever I go next, I want to stay. I don't want it to be a temporary skill builder--I want to find a home. It takes me so long to settle in and feel comfortable and not nervous and "hit my stride" enough to thrive (I bet you guys understand that better than most!)
I don't have kids, and I think I need more out of my job than most people--I want a work family! Is that too much to ask? sometimes I think I'm being naïve....

Event Horizon: I don't think it would be Detroit-ish. It would be mostly west coast USA, US headquarters is in Austin, TX, and I might even get to go to Germany! (where headquarters is located)

Thank you guys! If you have any other thoughts, I'd love to hear it!

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After I read your response, I think you are looking for something rare to find in a job. Have you gotten an offer yet or are you just applying? There is no reason not to apply to see if you get it. If you have an offer, I would talk to and shadow the others who do this before you accept. Also, your boyfriend is being smart. If he says don't take it, you might resent him later.