Finish it!


Community Member
This is from another thread,from one of Holysmokes postings.Hope you don't mind me stealing the idea...! Its like the neverending story thread but sharp and fast instead...

"I will also say that it did make me wonder if we will eventually be finishing eachothers sentences not too far in the future." -Holysmoke.

You have to finish the sentence and start another..(actually this idea is probably going on this board already knowing some of our silly...*cough* Creativeness..Anyway..Here goes..

Today I have to go shopping for.........................
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weiners and beans. After that I'm going to stop off at a book store to buy .....
... homing beacons. I generously loan books; they never get returned.

Procrastination ends today! I will finally...
get started on clipping the cat.

Are beans and toast......
a healthy meal? You bet! Now I'm going to turn the TV on and watch ....
Thomas The Tank Engine. Because I secretly want to live on the Island of Sodor. It's so...
tasty,this marshmallow.

Do mushrooms always....
make you see weird shit like this? strange way to die, an hero by mushroom
Oh! I am in the refrigerator! Thank you so much for opening the door.

Today is the first day of the rest of your...
INFPs it takes to take over the world. I think about............
the slight amusment I get when I think about Fire breathing dragons destroying the world. hehehehehe

Where is the dang......
popcorn. I want to watch it go to hell. Oh well *roasts marshmallow on the flames from a corpse* I wish I could...........
Get my pilot's liscence and spend alot of time in a glider, just gliding around on a nice clear day.

What if all of a sudden....
I get struck in the ass by lighting? I wonder what will happen when.........
yellow mustard. Seriously. Its sits on the shelf in my frig so fucking happy all the time. I wonder what it is like to..............