Favorite cultural celebrations? | INFJ Forum

Favorite cultural celebrations?


Sep 5, 2009
What are your favorite cultural celebrations? When are they, where, what is the significance, and why do you enjoy them?
What are your favorite cultural celebrations? When are they, where, what is the significance, and why do you enjoy them?
Hi, Gaze!

I don't think I have a 'favourite', and I can imagine that people might pick out the most 'fun' ones, so I thought I'd mention something with a different purpose. Remembrance Sunday, held mid-November in the UK to commemorate the sacrifices of war, demands a sombre, reflective tone, 2 minutes of silence nationwide and contemplation, and altogether just feels a bit graver and more powerful than the others. People wear red poppies in their lapels, or white if they're pacifists, and the whole thing is a reminder of the brutality that human beings are capable of... but also the heroism. It's one of the most 'mature' observance, in my opinion. The American versions are a bit more militaristic in tone.

Other than that, I always enjoy the stuff going on around the Edinburgh Festival (comedy festival) in August.
Hi, Gaze!

I don't think I have a 'favourite', and I can imagine that people might pick out the most 'fun' ones, so I thought I'd mention something with a different purpose. Remembrance Sunday, held mid-November in the UK to commemorate the sacrifices of war, demands a sombre, reflective tone, 2 minutes of silence nationwide and contemplation, and altogether just feels a bit graver and more powerful than the others. People wear red poppies in their lapels, or white if they're pacifists, and the whole thing is a reminder of the brutality that human beings are capable of... but also the heroism. It's one of the most 'mature' observance, in my opinion. The American versions are a bit more militaristic in tone.

Other than that, I always enjoy the stuff going on around the Edinburgh Festival (comedy festival) in August.

Hi Hos. Sounds similar to Veteran's Day for us. Yes, those events are more thoughtful and reflective. Thanks for sharing.

Edit: The Edinburgh Festival sounds cool though.
Remembrance Sunday,
This is similar to our Memorial Day.

What are your favorite cultural celebrations? When are they, where, what is the significance, and why do you enjoy them?
Halloween October 31st, however, I like observing All Saints Day on November 1st too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Souls'_Day minus the Christian and religious ovetures though.
Also, the Soltices and Equinoxs, and Phases of the Moon cycle.
Christmas used to be my favorite holiday celebration back home because family from different parts of the island would come to my aunt and grandmothers house for a family reunion, cook, bake, and prep a huge family dinner. It would be closer to the way people celebrate Thanksgiving here. The holiday music, tv concert specials, and the cool weather (a huge change for normally hot climate) would give it a nice "winterish" but homey feeling. Unfortunately, Christmas today is not what it once was. Doesn't help that the holidays are getting shorter.

I also like the festive atmosphere of July 4 celebrations in the US, especially fireworks and BBqs. I also like the warm, welcoming vibe of Thanksgiving. There is a sense of togetherness or unity that these holidays have that you don't get in other parts of the year.

A fun holiday was Valentines when I was a child, because it was cool getting Valentine's Day cards, especially from crushes. But full disclosure. When I was in elementary school, I wasn't the good example of the Valentine's day spirit. So everyone was to bring in materials to make cards, and most couldn't. And I brought in these arts and crafts things to make cards for myself but didn't want to share, so the class watched as I made a Valentines heart. I totally sucked. Went against everything we were taught about sharing of course. I hope karma hit me upside the head a few times over the years to make up for that. :D But as an adult, I don't really celebrate Valentine's that much. I think people's views of love today has changed how we see the holiday. It's a holiday associated with a lot of nice or grand gestures with emphasis on romance, but not necessarily on love.

It would be cool to experience other country's holidays, especially those that encourage dressing up.
I love Christmas!

I ground Christmas up, separate it line by line, and snort it. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It's when you get to wear ugly sweaters, give and receive presents, and wish everyone well.

Fuck yeah.
My birthday was always celebrated on Thanksgiving so I have a natural bias towards favoring it. Still that cozy tone and relaxed mood still hold it at the top of my list.

Looks like my birthday is slowly becoming separate from Thanksgiving in adulthood and I'm not sure I like that lol.
Easter, and the season of lent. i love Ash Wednesday the most. A time to reflect and take stock of who I am. I love the increased attention to the divine. . I love the sacred music of the lent season. it is the most powerful music in the Christian year. Even though I am not a strong Christian to the exclusion of all other faith practices, I do love the looking to and seeking something of salvation. There is a lot more to Easter than the resurrection story, that is only the last chapter.
Midsummer! Good food, spending time with loved ones, heating up the sauna and relaxation, perfect. :blush:

The beautifully eerie feeling of nightless night. Sun doesn't set even middle of the night. <3 Sometimes watching a bonfire.

Unfortunately we don't have a summer cottage, that would make it even nicer. You can rent those, though.
I wish we celebrated more holidays here, and went all out. It would be nice to be in an area where people actively celebrated seasons and allowed the seasons to last and not suddenly end the day after. Here, everything is prepared for too soon, and rushed out by the time the actual day comes around. Blink and you miss it. :D
Day of the Dead is pretty cool. Its probably my wife's favourite.

Its NOT Halloween, its a celebration of the family who have died. Halloween is about keeping evil spirits away.

Go watch Coco. Excellent Disney movie about it.

Christmas used to be my favourite but it sucks in California. No snow or coldness so it doesn't feel Christmassy.
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