Fantasy Self


Regular Poster
Who would you be in a fantasy world? Just for pure imaginative fun, and that I am a giant nerd with no shame

Some questions to think about!

1. What type of world would you live in?

2. What sort of race or creature would you be? (Elf, Dragon, Alien, ext... maybe even human, you can come up with your own)

3. Would you have magic? Or a specific weapon of chose? What would it be? (even healing counts)

4. Would you have a pet? A stead maybe? A companion of sorts? What would it be?

5. Any other important details you’d like to share about fantasy you

Even if your not a fellow Nerdling and it’s just a fun activity to think about, feel free to join in ^_^ no judgment here, excited to hear what you all come up with!
Who would you be in a fantasy world? Just for pure imaginative fun, and that I am a giant nerd with no shame

Some questions to think about!

Even if your not a fellow Nerdling and it’s just a fun activity to think about, feel free to join in ^_^ no judgment here, excited to hear what you all come up with!

1. What type of world would you live in?
- A combination of Maleficent's home, Neverland, Wonderland, and Ariel's home beneath the sea.

2. What sort of race or creature would you be? (Elf, Dragon, Alien, ext... maybe even human, you can come up with your own)
- Mixture of Fairy with Angel wings and mermaid(?). Live in air, on land, and under the sea. Transform into mermaid or seahorse under the sea.

3. Would you have magic? Or a specific weapon of chose? What would it be? (even healing counts)
-I would have abilities such as invisibility, not magic. But definitely fairy dust to do a whole bunch of fun things. I have Storm (from X-Men's) weather abilities.

4. Would you have a pet? A stead maybe? A companion of sorts? What would it be?
- No, but I would have a sleek white mystical panther or tiger as a companion.

5. Any other important details you’d like to share about fantasy you.
-My emotions such as weather and invisibility are tied to my emotions.
Magister Druid of the Jade Order

w/ Pharaoh Hound Familiar
This is a fun idea for a thread. ^-^ :<3yellow:

I would be a moon elf with nature magic spells (air, water, earth, fire, though mostly using healing spells) who lives in a world that is full of magic and wonder, in a place where plants and flowers glow in the night, glimmering moon, flying whales and other creatures in the sky. A fantasy me lives in a partly floating castle and it's surrounded by waterfalls.


Lol, this thread makes me want to watch LOTR now. :grin:
This is a fun idea for a thread. ^-^ :<3yellow:

I would be a moon elf with nature magic spells (air, water, earth, fire, though mostly using healing spells) who lives in a world that is full of magic and wonder, in a place where plants and flowers glow in the night, glimmering moon, flying whales and other creatures in the sky. A fantasy me lives in a partly floating castle and it's surrounded by waterfalls.

Lol, this thread makes me want to watch LOTR now. :grin:
:<3purple:this flower .... :hug:
So it has been a while since I last wrote a fantasy piece and I think it shows here. Whilst I did my best to simplify it and omit being too detailed, I couldn't contain myself.
For my race I would be a human, but similar to the Dúnedain in LOTR (Humans who can live for longer). My primary skillset would be in being an ambidextrous swordsman, dual-wielding swords or otherwise utilising healing and illusionary magic. However in my world using magic comes at the cost of mental stamina - so there is a finite use of it in a given period, and at risk to the wielder; particularly if one were to use it during a fight. I would wear sparing plate - etched with protective sigils - only in the most important areas, so as to allow myself to stay lithe and quick whilst also having protection.

My home would be in an abandoned dwarven creation, hidden below a forest, where only those close to me know of, yet not so far from a city that it would be a hassle for others to reach me or vice versa. Hewed into black granite, heated by a geyser pool located underneath, with comfortable wooden furnishings. Five wide rooms, four of which are on each corner of the central room that is just a generic living space. The first room, next to the entrance, would be a hallway/armory that would have solid glass stands with a red velvet top-cover, whereupon various ornaments and weaponry would rest. Armor racks of varnished mahogany set in an obsidian base would span the length of the hallway.
The room opposite the hallway, on the other side of the central room, would be a small library of bookshelves, housed by tomes and scrolls embellished to varying degrees, that I had collected or bought along my travels. Two thick steel cabinets each with a glass-door - etched with protective sigils - would stand in the corner of the room, housing the most rarest or powerful of what I had discovered. A third, smaller room would be my living quarters; furnished by no more than an oaken double bed with white sheets, a fireplace and a chest at the foot of the bed. The fourth room would be a kitchen and laboratory. Each room would be ventilated by pipes (and fans powered by the heat of the geyser pool) which run through hollowed-out trees in the forest above; illusionary magic keeping the appearance of the trees being alive and normal.

Likely making a living from bounties, performing tasks for the community, or helping out more influential citizens - only if my moral compass were to allow it.
The world wouldn't be perfect, and still be full of political rife and intrigue yet not so dismal as to be a dystopia. Numerous races would both co-exist - to varying degrees of tension, depending on the Kingdom - and have their own Kingdoms and communties, with differing idealogies and religions. There would be an Empire that expands over most of the larger islands and archipelagos that make up the West, whom are eyeing the Continent (A mirror of the pangaea that existed tens of millions of years ago) to the East.