Faking Extraverted Intuion | INFJ Forum

Faking Extraverted Intuion


Community Member
Apr 19, 2012
Extraverted Intuition
I offer various unrelated ideas and see what potential they might suggest.
I enjoy playing with random interconnections and patterns.
I concisely reference multiple frameworks at once while problem solving.
I keep following tangents and new ideas without limiting myself to one.
I weave into the current dynamics of a situation aspects of other, random contexts.
I trust what emerges from brainstorming.
I see the world as a bundle of possibilities to be explored and unraveled.
I get the most energy when I'm free to explore new possibilities in my life.
The truth is I have a hard time remembering detailed sensory information, like touch, smell, etc.
The quality that best helps me understand the world is he ability to see and pursue new possibilities.

So tell me if I'm wrong, but I thought of a way to "fake" extraverted intuition on paper.

A few months ago I was doing a brainstorming exercise. I'll show you what I thought. It's not the same as Extraverted Intuition because you don't go off on new tangents per se, but you can include new topics and try to weave them together as well so it is similar from what I can gather.

Take three topics.

We'll use Celebrity, Epiphany, and Plot

Next you think of a number of ideas that are similar to the topic and connect to it in your mind. For instance: World, country, USA, immigration, Mexico, sombrero, hat, baseball cap, baseball bat, sports, basketball, etc. See how the thoughts connect? You just drift from one topic to the next. Well, we're going to do something similar using those three topics. Instead of following a straight tangent like this though, we're going to go back to "World" after we go off on the tangent "universe." For instance: World, universe. World, news. World, geography. World, globe. Catch my drift?

So here we go.

Mitt Romney
Barack Obama
Emma Watson



Now, we take these three tangents off the topics and combine them, weave them together. We can do this several times with each of the topics and tangents.

Combining Barack Obama, Lightbulb, and Trick we come to "Barack Obama" with a "lightbulb" over his head saying "Trick!" It's a picture in your head. It's almost like he's saying, "I caught you trying to trick me." Do you guys get it? There's many ways to do this but I feel this is very similar to Extraverted Intuition. If not, it's atleast a very creative brainstorming process and can be used quite easily. Also, we could think of "Emma Watson" reading "story" of "Revelations" in the Bible. What do you guys think?
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I make random connections and tangents like this in my head all the time. I know I'm an INFJ, and I'm Ni dominant, but I feel like I have strong Ne too. MBTI theory says I can't have strong Ni and strong Ne at the same time. So I'm at a loss as to how to classify it...

Making connections like this really comes in handy for memorizing stuff. Because I can easily and spontaneously make these connections in my head, I always excelled at memorization-based tests in grade school.

You can have both... but some would suggest that switching into one mode made either not be good for you or may be a symptom of stress or anxiety since they are said to be ego dystonic. Others disagree completely and say you should make efforts to develop all eight.
In socionics INFJs are INFps (IEIs) and have Ne as their ignoring function, which means they're good at it naturally but don't consider it important or meaningful most of the time. That could explain [MENTION=933]Seraphim[/MENTION]'s ability to use it. Additionally I think anyone can use Ne to some extent, it's basically the ability to extrapolate and see possibilities, the main difference between Ne and Ni is that Ne is divergent, tree like, while Ni is convergent, narrowing all possibilities into one. After a while Ni comes to a single definite conclusion, all signs point to north so to speak. Ne by contrast is continually pointing "outward" where? anywhere, everywhere. It gets lost in the imagination, adding bits and pieces of the real world to form new ideaS. The capital S is intentional: Ne manifests as *multiple* possibilities, Ni is more like sculpting a statue, cutting off bits and pieces to reveal the single hidden form inside. They work hand in hand, though.

Interestingly, Ne use seems to be linked to a lack of Si development, and Ni to a lack of Se. I've noticed people who have a well developed Si have little inclination to imagine and brainstorm, probably because they don't need to do it. They rely on what's known, what makes sense from their own personal experience. Likewise the use of Ni appears to compensate for a lack of Se, the ability to physically dominate your environment, basically to apply force to get what you want. The motive behind Ne+Si appears to be enjoyment, while Ni+Se seems more about control.
I always thought that NE and NI can be best seen in one's first attempt in addressing something. This will set the precedence/context for further interaction both mentally or physically. Like in the bidirectional nature of interpersonal communication which direction does one mostly lean towards? In conflict resolution it can be seen as stick with your guns (or) find common ground. Direct (vs) Indirect.

There are a few other examples I seem to have forgotten. I think the entire purpose behind Intuition is the sentient realization that one is not omniscient or rather a beings attempt to compensate for such.

An example of an intuitive thought can be seen in the meme "It takes one to know one" this is a direct jab at the natural shortcomings of citing secondary sources for one's knowledge.