Extroverted functions vs Introverted functions | INFJ Forum

Extroverted functions vs Introverted functions


Community Member
Feb 1, 2012
Most humans are able to express all cognitive functions, but there's one thing we can't do - we can't look left and right at once. We need to decide if we should look inside ourselves or outside ourselves. This is really clear in us INFJ's, we make horrible conversationalists at times, because we often need to pause and think to access our hardware, unless we've really learned to express and use Ne, Fe, Te and Se, too, then we may freeroll more, but we would still be better at understanding and connecting with the world using our introverted intuition and thinking to systemise and understand the world and visualise how to deal with problems and situations inside ourselves, and using our extorverted feeling and sensing to deal with and connect with the outside world. So, pause and think and systemise, make sense of what is being said, and feel and express values and deal with the physical world extrovertedly. Look left occasionally, and right occasionally.

Why does the extrovert like the introvert? Because the introverted functions are the hardware, always more endless in posibilities, always greater, always bigger depth, always a stronger core. The INFP would propably have the strongest core of all MBTI-ists, they radiate with their HUGE inner world. The ENFP and ENFJ come running, because this is cool - there's someone there to make sense of all their possibilites and output, and the introvert would love the extrovert because they give them new input to be made sense of. Why would the introvert hang out with other introverts? Because introverts have extroverted skills too. So why can't the MBTI just create ideal pairs and just have everyone stick to them? Because love can conquer all differences, humans can adapt to all possibilities. Using the MBTI as a tool for dating would be stupid, but it might help you get a grasp of what you're looking for in another person.

People with strong introverted functions are always better at systemising and making sense of output, people with strong extroverted functions are always better at creating new possibilities, brainstorming new output, and connecting with other people. We're always going to have a conflict in ourselves about which function to rely on, our extroverted or introverted function - think of it as the question about listening to what a friend is saying or quieting down, to think about and systemise and make sense of what is being said and thinking of something new to be said, or deciding whether to stay home or go to a party. The reason it's even possible to talk about "16 personality types" in this aspect is because the older we get, the more they are narrowed down. Truth is, humans are far more complex than four letter combinations. There's always something deeper down there.