Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Test | INFJ Forum

Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Test

1st time I got 2/10.
2nd time I got 4/10.

I think that intuition us a form of esp. People have it in varying amounts.
I have had events happen in my life though that go beyond even this explanation. I think it adds to the idea that time doesn't exist. Everything that will happen has already happened. Those with esp just get a jump in the information stream. Like an electric bolt jumping grounds.
I cant use it and all mine has ever done is bring torment.
4/10 only once
Funny: it started with two circles, which I ended with two squares
It got worse.... Clearly I am no master psychic with a machine. :tongue:

Perhaps invisible entities are changes the results in a higher dimension. Perhaps they are just teasing you. :fish:

What appears to be random to you might be a deterministic action caused by someone else. :lever:
What I find interesting, for myself at least is that for this particular test and tests set up similarly, I pretty much always get 0-2 when attempting to purposefully guess randomly, while getting anywhere from 3-7 when guessing with some level of intent. It sort of feels like I am skilled at reverse guessing if that makes sense.
What I find interesting, for myself at least is that for this particular test and tests set up similarly, I pretty much always get 0-2 when attempting to purposefully guess randomly, while getting anywhere from 3-7 when guessing with some level of intent. It sort of feels like I am skilled at reverse guessing if that makes sense.

Some would argue that getting 0 out of say 50... is more than chance.

Total correct guesses: 17, Total guesses: 50
Percent of total correct guesses: 34%, Expected by chance: 20%
Significance level: Significant (p < 0.05)
Odds of these totals by chance: 1 : 46

Must admit. I remain a skeptic on this one (fun though) :S