Ex US president says the US is now under the control of the oligarchy | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Ex US president says the US is now under the control of the oligarchy

They'll have a lot of takin' to do in this country, where more people own more guns than any country. It's difficult to turn the military and police against their own families.

If you believe everything you read, you'll turn into a pumpkin.
They'll have a lot of takin' to do in this country, where more people own more guns than any country. It's difficult to turn the military and police against their own families.

If you believe everything you read, you'll turn into a pumpkin.

But you recognise that they have been trying right?

Feinstein (ashkenazi) calling for you all to have your guns taken off you...right?

They never do things in one big leap...they alwaus do it a little at a time....they roll things out so that people don't get too spooked

So what they do is first of all say: ''you shouldn't be able to mave AR15's and AK14 derivatives, those are military grade weapons and only we the government should be allowed to have those'' (imagine the government telling that to the original colonists!)

Then they say: now certain sections of the society are not psychiatrically safe enough to own guns for example military veterans...and they take their guns after giving them psyche evaluations

In fact that's one of the things the progressive left argued for: that PSYCHIATRISTS (ie system serving drug pushers who chemically cosh the public into compliance with the system) should get to choose who is allowed to own a gun and who isn't

Well as soon as you allow that what happens is that the government hands over its shit list to the psychiatrists of any people they dissaprove of such as: veterans, christians, trade unionists, civil rights campaigners, civil liberty campaigners, activists, libertarians and basically any of the groups who don't always blindly follow government authority

They divide and rule...so they target one part of the population eg veterans, then they'll target another part of the population and each time they do it everyone else will think ''well that doesn't include me so i'm not bothered of they take their guns''

But those people don't realise that everytime the government takes the guns of one section of the public they make the public weaker

They also make everyone REGISTER their firearms so that when a crisis occurs the government sends its militarised police in their armoured tanks down peoples streets like they did after the boston bombing going door to door to disarm anyone on their lists of registered keepers of firearms

So yeah you have a gun today but tomorrow a team of feds could turn up at your door with a warrant saying: ''we're here to take all of your firearms''

The best way for them to do this is after crises so they manufacture crises like the sandy hoax or 911 so that they can say: 'folks this is an emergency so now we must take away your guns and your civil liberties...you know...to protect you from those 'terrorists''
They already have pretty much attacked the thinking of our new population. I think they are in the brainwashing process.