
Regular Poster
So I have a question, is it common to mistype yourself as an INFJ if you're an ENTP? I've realized recently (like "today" recently) that I'm an ENTP, but it took a lot of time. Relationship issues, depression, etc all dragged me down in a sense and caused me to not view myself as I should. I'm more comfortable now though and getting way better :). The reason I gravitated towards the INFJ description was that I liked the idea of being stable and calm, whereas the thought of being an ENTP just scared me (even though I know I meet the description). Has anyone else gone through this?
Yes. And I'm still not sure. In my case it's more like the other way around, though.

The first tests I took would all typed me INTP, which felt rather close. However, I'm far too messy, freaky, expressive, impulsive and emotional to qualify. Clearly N dominant.

I tried answering differently to those questions where things were not so chrystal clear and got INFP which obviously is not the case. Sometimes ENFP, which is a slight bit more correct.

However, one of those things that I'm rather sure about is Fe/Ti polarity. Functions-based tests would
confirm this and, while actually showing clear F preference, usually type me ENTP.

What's less clear, is the difference between Ni and Ne. I would say I use them both equally, which also is confirmed by all functions-based tests. Slight overweight towards Ni plus completely extraverted preference regarding S.

Once in a while, I'm typed INFJ, which actually is somewhat more in line with the stack. It's just that I'm too much of a full blood asshole for an INFJ. For that reason I settled with ENTP.


(Apart from ignoring I/E preference of the functions, dichotomy-based tests handle P/J as functions of their own. For that reason they'd never type me INFJ. But I took some test that was exclusively about music making, and actually got that result.

According to Socionics, I seem to be IEI. In some ways closer to the MBTI type INFP, although sharing the stack with MBTI type INFJ. Enneagram 9w8 by the way, and I apparently am hypersensitive. None of this really indicates ENTP.

The critical test though, was asking myself if I like ENTP:s -- hell NO...! Which means I likely AM one. Had the answer been 'yes', this would more or less have excluded all types but INFJ, as they are the only type that really can stand ENTP...)
Yes. And I'm still not sure. In my case it's more like the other way around, though.

The first tests I took would all typed me INTP, which felt rather close. However, I'm far too messy, freaky, expressive, impulsive and emotional to qualify. Clearly N dominant.

I tried answering differently to those questions where things were not so chrystal clear and got INFP which obviously is not the case. Sometimes ENFP, which is a slight bit more correct.

However, one of those things that I'm rather sure about is Fe/Ti polarity. Functions-based tests would
confirm this and, while actually showing clear F preference, usually type me ENTP.

What's less clear, is the difference between Ni and Ne. I would say I use them both equally, which also is confirmed by all functions-based tests. Slight overweight towards Ni plus completely extraverted preference regarding S.

Once in a while, I'm typed INFJ, which actually is somewhat more in line with the stack. It's just that I'm too much of a full blood asshole for an INFJ. For that reason I settled with ENTP.


(Apart from ignoring I/E preference of the functions, dichotomy-based tests handle P/J as functions of their own. For that reason they'd never type me INFJ. But I took some test that was exclusively about music making, and actually got that result.

According to Socionics, I seem to be IEI. In some ways closer to the MBTI type INFP, although sharing the stack with MBTI type INFJ. Enneagram 9w8 by the way, and I apparently am hypersensitive. None of this really indicates ENTP.

The critical test though, was asking myself if I like ENTP:s -- hell NO...! Which means I likely AM one. Had the answer been 'yes', this would more or less have excluded all types but INFJ, as they are the only type that really can stand ENTP...)
I think @Lady Jolanda might have followed this trajectory.

It doesn't seem rare or odd at all... Intuitives are broadly comparable and one can be mistaken for any other quite easily.
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In my own case, it's specifically those two. To me there's a very sharp distinction between Fe/Ti respectively Fi/Te.

I would never speculate about INTJ or INFP. Also, not quite being able to tell what 's emotion or logic, indicates they are in midrange position, id est N dominance unlike INxP and ENxJ. I might perhaps not be that sure about ENFP, but still there 's this Fi/Te thing.

In the case of ENTP and INFJ, except for dominant N, they both have Fe/Ti in the middle. (One an emotional thinker and a non-social extravert, the other a logical feeler and a social introvert. Both individualistic deep thinkers with natural skills for reading people, cynical and naive at the same time.)

In my own specific case there's also this issue with what seems to be bilateral N (along with Se).
Haha, I don't think I'm a good case study Hos. I have PTSD and a personality disorder which makes determining personality type a bit of a fruitless endeavor. I don't like admitting this, but I'm at a quite low level of ego development, so all my cognitive functions regularly behave as if they were the inferior. The only thing I'm truly clear about is that I use the Fe/Ti and Ne/Si axes and that I'm enneagram type 6w5.

Anyway, yes. I followed a similar trajectory. I typed as INTP in high school, then INTJ in university, then INFJ after. This forum typed me as ENTP. I've never typed as ENFP or INFP though.

INFJs can be full blood assholes. ENTPs can be tolerant and accepting. It's only really the 7w8 and 8w7 ENTPs that are your stereotypical assholes.
Haha, I don't think I'm a good case study Hos. I have PTSD and a personality disorder which makes determining personality type a bit of a fruitless endeavor. I don't like admitting this, but I'm at a quite low level of ego development, so all my cognitive functions regularly behave as if they were the inferior. The only thing I'm truly clear about is that I use the Fe/Ti and Ne/Si axes and that I'm enneagram type 6w5.

Anyway, yes. I followed a similar trajectory. I typed as INTP in high school, then INTJ in university, then INFJ after. This forum typed me as ENTP. I've never typed as ENFP or INFP though.

INFJs can be full blood assholes. ENTPs can be tolerant and accepting. It's only really the 7w8 and 8w7 ENTPs that are your stereotypical assholes.
Woah Jo. I don't think I've ever heard you say anything like this.

Very cool. I adore the openness and the candour. <3
I don't think so.

If you're introvert trait is strong there is no way to confuse for an extrovert.

If you get tired and frustrated from being in large groups of people then you're definitely not an extrovert.

And if you enjoy partying and talking with strangers you're definitely not an introvert.

At the very least, you can't easily confuse Introvert and Extrovert types in my opinion. You like being alone, or you like being with people, its very rare to be both, and if thats the case I'd lean on the side of Extrovert.
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This actually is another one of those things that makes me somewhat hard to type.

I'm in no way an 'ambivert' -- like in the middle of some spectrum.

I do have this drive to deal directly with the external world, but social situations and human interaction wears me out, bores me to death. I do however prefer new people before friends. The most exhausting thing is maintaining and developing relations.

If getting into social situations, I usually prefer being in the middle, center of attention. This as far as I know is a typical ADHD thing -- being center of attention means having some basic control, because everything being said and done is in dialogue with you. I believe that ADHD is a factor that can lead to unorthodox usage of your cognitive functions.

Any way -- introvert or extravert is in my case simply a matter of which mode of iNtuition that's supposed to be my actual dominant function.