Disconnect with other INFP's? | INFJ Forum

Disconnect with other INFP's?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
I was just curious and found it really peculiar, but I've noticed that despite possessing the same MBTI, I have actually not really surprisingly always gotten along with other INFP's all that well to be honest. I've noticed that many INFP's on other boards like TypoC and PerC seem to be like freaking christian conservatives and generally have this kind of 'holier' then thou, self righteous attitude and view of themselves and I don't really relate to that at all and I've noticed that a lot of typings on MBTI forums are slanted or biased in the manner that a person can not be an INFP if they are not a christian conservative.

Also a lot of INFP's I met in person are kind of actually sort of strict and I felt kinda up tight and not that open-minded. I felt like they didn't have very strong Ne and it was hard to ping-pong random conversations off of them, and I felt like I did not have that much in common with them at all.

For a long time I was on the really far left and was even a Marxist to some degrees and I hated the conservatives, and thus I get along okay with left leaning types quite well so maybe that's mostly what it is, but I am just surprised really. Honestly it kind of seems like there's a lot of white power INFP's out there too even though they don't say it. A lot of the supposed typings on MBTI websites do the same thing, all the INFPs are like christian conservative white power people. I don't think most INFP's use their Fi at all either,

Wtf, why is this? Narnia, J.R. Tolkien, Mr.Rogers, I just don't all quite relate with it at all.

Another thing too, I still use my Fi a lot even though it's considered kind of taboo or socially acceptable, but I figured I would find reprieve in the mist of other like minded Fi-doms or something, but honestly a lot of them just seem to ignore it just like everyone else. I don't see Fi that much at all, at least only for things that I feel don't really matter that much, like they are subjective to the point of just, being so fucking subjective that I get the whole "pointless" thing, but then I've been told by some people that what I say sounds like "gibberish" so I don't know what the hell this disconnect is.
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Okay honestly, I just think a lot of people are really, really up-tight, so I don't know where that divergence really arises, I have an ability even in the most grave of situations to make light of things and try to laugh or have fun, but I suppose maybe once you are considered an adult you cannot even have a sense of humor? but at the same time I seem to have a different sense of humor then most people, so again I guess I am just wired differently here.
It's because INFPs are so terrible, they even hate each other
Do you really mean this?

I wonder if it's just XNFP's, or if it's all NF's, but I've noticed in being close to some in real life that it feels like a lot of them are sort of self absorbed and live in their own worlds and it can be really annoying at times. I took this workshop thing where the MBTI was administrated and there was a lot of INFP's there because the guy in charge is supposedly an INFP and I had a hard time relating or getting along with a lot of them.

I felt like there was some weird moral superiority with some of them, but at the same time they did not altogether have any interest in others way of looking at things except for their specific pet causes, and even then afterwards, I feel like it all kind of comes around to them being like these heroes in their own personal drama/fantasy worlds that play in their heads. You cannot tell for sure but sometimes it feels like a lot of them live in their own world. I knew someone who had really strong Fe and I don't know what their type was but again they felt like they lived in their own world. A feel like a lot of feelers live in their own world, even those who are sensors...
Honestly when I was really young I sort of lived in my own world a bit but I grew out of it quite early on and it surprises me quite a fair amount but I don't think I was altogether sheltered perhaps? I had a penchant for day-dreaming, but I could always easily distinguish between fantasy and reality.

I guess I was naturally better at being objective or rational at an early age and spent more time with T's because a lot of F's just seemed so self righteous to me and made no sense.

Like, this picture is what it is:


(except, she's not wearing that dress, and she's actually in a office, or at a subway station or something waiting for the train) That's where they are half of the time. I just realized that early on that life kind of sucks but there's nothing you can do about it so you have to kind of take responsibility for yourself and work hard at least to some extent and learn how communicate with people different then you, BUT I DUNNO, I GUESS THAT WAS JUST ME.
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A LOT OF XNFP's seem to have no desire to urge to make sense of the world what so ever, and that's what it was for me, I've always felt that I wanted to make sense of things to some degree because the opposite would god damn scare me. So anyway, a lot of NFP's are content and okay with just being subjective all of the time, a lot of feelers are okay with this in general I guess.

I feel a disconnect with a lot of other feelers because in actuality I think sometimes NT's understand eccentricity and why others act differently or weirdly more then a lot of NF's do oddly enough (again, are they not supposed to understand the human condition more?) but I think they get caught up in the whole drama side of things more, or at least especially when they are younger. They kind of live out and through interpersonal drama's a lot.

With me though, when I was younger I had a lot of trouble fitting in because I had a lot of strange tastes, interest and I was very eccentric and had a lot of idiosyncratic traits. I still to this day do, and because of it I faced constant social rejected and then when I got older I turned into a hardcore Marxist, leftist leaning person, but I was always really into art at a young age, mostly I guess because I got really depressed and thought about committing suicide at some points and all of this stuff because I felt so different, and could not relate to those around me and such so I got really into counter-culture as well and all of that alternative stuff, punk rock music; so I guess it just surprises me that a lot of other NF's are not like that at all, nor understand it (again, NT's almost do more so)

It's nothing to do with being "different though" or "conforming to non-conformity" it's just how some people are. I guess because they don't really relate to homogeneous normative cultural and social standards or can't really fit into them either; as they really do exist, though many others seem to have difficulty realizing that and further shun them and label them as "weird" and simply add to all of that stuff.

I mean they were probably already like that before, and then they just went with it and started dressing that way and then everyone started vocally criticizing them more, but what different does it make?
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@Darc – This issue isn't necessarily because of type. Were you expecting to mesh with everyone when you had different interests, ideas, and behaviors?

At the core level, do you understand how fellow INFPs think, how they arrive at conclusions, and why they react the way they do, even when you don't relate to their lifestyles and life choices? You share cognitive functions, not record collections and wardrobes. :D
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