Did the Jews unfairly face persecution because of the way they are? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Did the Jews unfairly face persecution because of the way they are?

@Darc whatever your age it'd be a good idea to think more about what your posting. You mentioned before about having difficulties socially, but I think if you took more responsibility for thinking about yourself and what you say and the ways you respond these could be minimised. Think, listen and reflect. There is a lack of coherence, authenticity and correctness in the things you say that's why you have the problems you have. People also get annoyed with sloppy comments and generalisations and are bound to take issue or offend.
Maybe its because i have so much i want to say that its difficult to condense it all andcas well i dont have tine to rest on my laurels, research or think about things, especially in our now vaguely materialst culture, considered relatively meaningless as science is absolute.

If i lack authenticy its because i am coming from a place of curiousity, without pre defined thoughts or assumptions.
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Yes, definately the jews have been treated very unfairly throughout history. There isnt a specific "look" that will make one person more likely to be persecuted over another person. They were persecuted simply because they stood for something which other cultures felt threatened by. Most kings and tyrants couldnt handle having subjects who believed they were superior or intrinsically more special than the ruler himself, and that is exactly what the jews claimed they are. People are most likely not looking at you weirdly. It may just be your perception. And if they are let them think what ever they want to think about you because their opinions are not important anyways.
Well yeah thats kinda whatni mean hinestly, ive just bern fascinated and curioud about yhe Jews. I can kind of relate and see where they are coming from, at least from a collectivist, and generalized perspective.

Like, the jews, the good ones, i feel like a lot of them do want peace, they care caring and big proponents of liberalism and belive in social aid, equality, and generally seem to be one of the few groups who care about the disatrious effects of capitalism, and how unfair it is for the government to be drastically out of control of the people, and how disinterested and dangerous this can be for the well being of people. Even the worst of them or at least could be said, they are very benevolent, the only problem is i feel like a lot of the liberals, so including the jews lack common sense.

I understand how frustrated they can be, why they consider themselves the chosen people, and how out of place or frustrated they are at this fact. Also as a religion, i think honestly its almost loke yhis way of jpining together those they felt were of worthy stature and merrit in some way, and working together to try and improve the world or whatever.

Unfortunately, like in the Lord of the Rings, i cannot help but think that not many can resist the temptation of abdolute power and material wealth.

The jews are a large group though made up of many people though. So unfortunately some of them are good, some of them are not.
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The Zionists have been behind a lot of major wars in recent history. However it is a mistake to think Zionists are the same as Jews. They don't represent the Jews any more than the KKK represent Christians.
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Where on earth are you getting this from? Marxists tend to be atheist (Marxism itself being reactionary to what Marx and Engels referred to as Parsonism during their lifetime, i.e. Thomas Malthus). Much of what they wrote on religious matters contradicts Judaism (and their main target, Christianity), and I have not seen much in the way of overlap.

And no, I do not think Jewish people are or were targeted because of the way they are (assuming these generalizations have any substance). Long before the Holocaust, there was a history of bigotry and discrimination against Jewish people throughout Europe going back centuries. The only explanation really is that it is because they were not Christian and Europe was not so tolerant of differences.

Actually.... darc angelo is asking a very important question and it deserves a legit answer. Further, he is asking a poignant and relevant question and making connections with Jews in powerful positions without fear of reprisal of "antisemitism".

The Jews were persecuted (back story) after Jesus kicked the money lenders out of the temple and it was the Jews who crucified Christ. Jews had certain rulesagainst moneylending for profit and prostitution against other Jews. However, they had no such compunction to do anything to the Goy (non-jew). so throughout history Jews were moneylenders to kings and queens (and Shylocks... see Shakespeare)... and fabled in prostitution to all none Jews... this earned the Jews a bad rep eventhough it was not jews who did the deeds. so when hitlers time rolled around ( prior to world war II) the powerful banking Jewish families made a deal with Hitler and the Nazis to relocate all Jews to the newly formed Isreal (There was a coin minted with the star of David on one side and the Nazi symbol on the other celebrating their cooperation) However, that all changed when the war broke out (details are fuzzy) People didn't like the Jews because they " profited of the misery of non-jews" but also Jews were seen as rich shop owners and the Germans were resentful. Don't really want get into detail there.... after the war the history books were written by the Victors...just like they are today...( where are those pesky weapons of mass destruction, Iraq was destroyed over...? hee her oops) The powerful banking families of he world made sure no one would ever say anything against the Jews ever again (AntiSemite). The secret history of the world continues... but it only takes a few generations for people to forget what really happened. Now contrary to what the founding fathers wanted the bankerscontrol the world and the IMF and world bank run the central banks including the Federal Reserve in the US. After Iraq, they stopped off in Libya, blew it to hell and installed a central bank. All because they wanted to trade oil for gold. circumventing the petrol dollar... ( apologize for fire- hosing info)
Maybe its because i have so much i want to say that its difficult to condense it all andcas well i dont have tine to rest on my laurels, research or think about things, especially in our now vaguely materialst culture, considered relatively meaningless as science is absolute.

If i lack authenticy its because i am coming from a place of curiousity, without pre defined thoughts or assumptions.

I think you remind me of a younger version of myself....