Derail This Thread | Page 65 | INFJ Forum

Derail This Thread

Vigi as in vigilance :) @ImaginaryBloke

Hey, Mr. INTP, you spot the flaws in my logic? INTPs usually are good at spotting flaws in INTJs logic. Usually INTPs get irritated after a while :p

What do you think of INTJs?


Your intention and reasoning look iron-solid to me. INTJs are like Clint Eastwood with a gun, turning every perceivable threat into Swiss cheese.

I think that I would better use the fifth amendment, remaining silent with a big smile on my face. :D

(To answer the question, I have known seven INTJs in my life. One is my best friend, four are relaxed/OK, two were too competitive and had problems of some kind. A mixed bunch really.)

Could you give us a lift to Antarctica please?
*puts on penguin costume*

*picks up the penguins on bus*

*goes to Antarctica with them*

*takes them to Alaska instead* :tonguewink:

The end!
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This is @Skarekrow's neighbor who is arrogantly taking up space in the non-smoking section at the local café.

Skare advised Jeff about weed. One week later, Jeff did a 180 degree turn and now is frequent visitor of the colorful, astral plane.

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