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Deep Dark Fears


I just wanted to clarify my own position here…I DO believe in God…but I do not think that God is some golden being with flowing robes and a beard…surely God would choose not to have a beard, because they get fucking annoying.

To me, that is the one thing that will always remain a mystery until death…we can know a lot of things in this life…but short of a mystical being appearing and claiming the title I don’t think we can know that.

And when I say- “given free will” I don’t mean it in the way I think you think I do.
If there is a God….and if that God created and controls the universe then surely we could have also been made in a “lesser” manner…without self-awareness…without the ability to shape our own reality within the reality of the universe…but for whatever reason we were made to have self-reflection and the capacity to make our own choices…with that power comes a deeper understanding of love and the connections we make with one another…that also gives us the ability to completely go against God if we should want to.

You see…I was the same way for a while…I couldn’t understand why a force such as God would allow all the BS to go on in the world.
But that is with the assumption that this is the Abrahamic Biblical wrathful deity that seemingly kills humans with no regard whatsoever…turns innocent women into pillars of salt…that is some Buuullllshiiiit. Don’t even get me started on Job.

But change your assumption that that isn’t what God is….that God does have our best intentions in mind, but in order for free will to actually be a choice we must first have a certain amount of power over our reality…with that power comes a certain amount of trust and responsibility too. (we have the power to destroy and create)

If you don’t assume that God is going to judge you and punish/reward you accordingly then the whole universe make infinitely more sense.
This is all…assuming that there is a God and not just a universal consciousness…i.e. the combined sentient consciousness of all living (perhaps not living) things in the universe.

That could very well be the case which would lean more toward the many universes theory of reality…that every choice possible is made in another universe somewhere…the reason for our existence in this universe is quite simple according to this theory…it’s because this universe had just the right conditions for life to form and consciousness to arise. You see, there are countless universes where life did not form…and countless one’s where the conditions are just right…thus life is only conditional on the statistical number game of chance.

Now that we are thoroughly off topic… here’s a picture of a pill bug -
Hmmm ok. I would not have guessed your stance and belief from your past posts.
I have done a lot of research in my life on the subject. I am secure in the conclusions I have come up with concerning it. Im not sure why people hold onto the desire to have something rule over them with their best interest at heart. A nice story and I think its a throw back from when we were children and had someone to take care of us.

Well I can say this. I can imagine no god whose world I fit into where I am not an irritation.
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Hmmm ok. I would not have guessed your stance and belief from your past posts.
I have done a lot of research in my life on the subject. I am secure in the conclusions I have come up with concerning it. Im not sure why people hold onto the desire to have something rule over them with their best interest at heart. A nice story and I think its a throw back from when we were children and had someone to take care of us.

Well I can say this. I can imagine no god whose world I fit into where I am not an irritation.

I don’t consider myself ruled over because I also feel that we are all extensions of God and the Universe as consciousnesses experiencing life. (that is more of the organized Christian religion jumping up in your face)
That version of God….where God rules over people, is not my version.

I have to consider the possibility that God exists…or at least some sort of universal consciousness that our consciousness also are either egotistic extensions of that consciousness or we are tapped into it somehow based on the evidence of aberrations.

Those who are on the cutting edge of consciousness research have shown incredible correlations between quantum theory and consciousness and the idea of the mind receiving that information instead of producing it. Science not only makes room for the idea of a “soul”, but from some of the things that I have studied - will eventually allow for it as an essential piece of the cosmic puzzle.
As a child I used to think I was the only human in the midst of aliens.
Everyone kept it a secret from me, but didn't know I knew.

Also, their spit could kill me.. I was weird.

There are other stories too
My mom forced me to watch documentaries about child predators who kidnapped children and locked them up inside their basement to afterwards molest them (I live in Belgium and as a kid that was the news that got around fast). Every time I got off the train and walked home I 'd walk by a house that once was inhibited by children who would later on without reason kill people at a cafe in my city. I tried to peek inside the house to see if it was haunted or if the new owners were also sadistic monsters. The entire trip from point A or the station to point B my house, was thrilling yet scary and probably unhealthy for my well-being. My mother used to warn me that the child predators would hide inside bushes.. so of course because this entire small street wasn't even lighted, I kept looking behind me, running away when I heard the smallest movements.
As a child I used to think I was the only human in the midst of aliens.
Everyone kept it a secret from me, but didn't know I knew.

Also, their spit could kill me.. I was weird.

A lot of adults are going around with this delusion so it's actually somewhat common.

You reminded me, as I also experienced similar things as a child, I sometimes experienced something known as Reduplicative Paramnesia. I still do on very rare occasions, but it's a fleeting feeling now whereas in my childhood it would last for maybe twenty minutes sometimes.
I didn't misidentify them for aliens. I don't know what it was.. I guess it was ALIENATION. Okay, sorry, I'll stop.
A lot of adults are going around with this delusion so it's actually somewhat common.

You reminded me, as I also experienced similar things as a child, I sometimes experienced something known as Reduplicative Paramnesia. I still do on very rare occasions, but it's a fleeting feeling now whereas in my childhood it would last for maybe twenty minutes sometimes.
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Love this series. Dig the art style.