Correlation Between Enneagram And MBTI Type | INFJ Forum

Correlation Between Enneagram And MBTI Type


Community Member
Jun 7, 2014
I am currently researching correlations between Enneagram types and MBTI types by comparing people's Enneagram types with their MBTI.
Post your MBTI and Enneagram type (with tritypes if possible), and also your dominant, auxiliary and tertiary cognitive functions in descending order pls.
(Functions needed because if you're for example on the border between E/I, T/F, etc., your auxiliary or/and tertiary function may not be the one which is listed in your MBTI type description.)
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I don't really know much about it and I'm trying to learn more about it myself
I am an INFJ and my enneagram is 6w5
Something I find really cool though is that based on some charts that based on my mbti type I am Obi One Kanobi from Star Wars but based on my older sister enneagram type she is like him.
I don't think that would be sufficient for research material. Ignoring the sample size, many people on this forum have changed thoughts of their own MBTI over the years.

I don't know my own MBTI so I don't know if I can be of any use, but I've always scored a pretty high Ni and I think the last time I did a enneagram test I got 6w5. I can do the tests again, since it was quite a while since last time.
I don't think that would be sufficient for research material. Ignoring the sample size, many people on this forum have changed thoughts of their own MBTI over the years.

I don't know my own MBTI so I don't know if I can be of any use, but I've always scored a pretty high Ni and I think the last time I did a enneagram test I got 6w5. I can do the tests again, since it was quite a while since last time.
Plus different people have used different tests for both their MBTI and enneagram.

You should find a reliable test for both and ask people on here to submit their answers…that data would be a bit more comprehensive.
For what it's worth.

extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************************** (38.9)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************ (36.6)
excellent use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************** (34.7)
good use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************* (33.6)
good use
extraverted Sensing (Se) ****************************** (30.6)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************* (25.7)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ********************* (21.1)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ****************** (18.4)
limited use

You are a Type 6 with a 5 wing: "The Defender"

Your trifix is 6w5, 8w9, 2w1.

Using Keys 2 Cognition and
introverted Feeling (Fi) **************************************** (40.8)
excellent use

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) *********************************** (35.8)
good use
extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************************* (33.6)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************** (32.5)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) *************************** (27.7)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************ (24.6)
average use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********************** (23.6)
limited use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ********************* (21.4)
limited use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFP

If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENFP, or ISFP

You are a Type 4 with a 5 wing: "The Bohemian"

Your trifix is 4w5, 7w8, 9w8.

On another test I scored as a 4w3, and it fits me a lot better.
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Hey bin just kind of curious on why people's mbti types change and time goes on. I think I could understand why people's enneagram types would change but the mbti is just explaining how we prefer to take in info and how we prefer to make decisions with tht info. Do u think that people just mistyped themselves and tht as you get older you can begin to see yourself more clearly or does you entire personality type just change? Will u explain it to me. I just got into personality types this summer so I am simply a young child in this journey. Please answer and explain to me. I swear tht even though I'm only a teenager that I am truley interested in this type of stuff.
I get either 1w9 or 5w6. It is really hard to tell which it is. I'm certainly a more reserved ENTP. I know my stress builds up in the body until I explode, so I have to focus on how my body and gut feelings line up over time, and try to switch off my mind. Though I also have a lot of theories and ideas that I obsess over to keep my mind in the zone so to say, often very abstract and focused more in the future and left open-ended to be changed depending on what I learn and add on to the ideas. Generally my mindset often heads a few years in advance of the present moment and it throws people off, but it makes sense to me. I do know I also live in my head and my gut and mind are constantly fighting over what is the right thing to do.

I've also had panic attacks in the past, to the point I seemed calm and tranquil while having a panic attack, so people would never know. It's because all of the stress was internalized in to the body. I guess I carried myself well because I kept my outward demeanor so tranquil and contained. I mean you'd think people would start freaking out having a panic attack but I managed to internalize them so no-one knew. On the inside I felt like hell though...

I really don't like hurting people either. I'm very sensitive to people.
Plus different people have used different tests for both their MBTI and enneagram.

You should find a reliable test for both and ask people on here to submit their answers…that data would be a bit more comprehensive.

Thanks for the input.....I found a thorough Enneagram test

I recommend taking it even if you believe that you know your Enneeagram, because it's the most thorough Enneagram test that I've seen online so far.
You can post your result here if you want.

The overview pic of the score distribution looks neat....this is my result

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Hey bin just kind of curious on why people's mbti types change and time goes on. I think I could understand why people's enneagram types would change but the mbti is just explaining how we prefer to take in info and how we prefer to make decisions with tht info. Do u think that people just mistyped themselves and tht as you get older you can begin to see yourself more clearly or does you entire personality type just change? Will u explain it to me. I just got into personality types this summer so I am simply a young child in this journey. Please answer and explain to me. I swear tht even though I'm only a teenager that I am truley interested in this type of stuff.

My own belief so far is that MBTI just explains how we take in info and how we interact with others (which I think doesn't need to be a conscious preference, but can also be unconscious) so it should be some kind of changeable map for the individual's cognitive processes

As our goals, preferences and the personality itself change through life, it makes sense that the corresponding MBTI letters would change also....
I'm an INFJ, 8w9, EIE.

MBTI is a predisposition for interpreting everything, irrespective of how you were raised, and is loosely set in a quadrant when young and only gets stronger and more pronounced with age. Enneagram is based on a basic fear which is created by the influence and impact of events that happened to you at a very young age. Nature vs. Nurture. Both are lasting and unconscious however, and I don't believe either change over time, as I would argue, if you believe your MBTI changes you just didn't type yourself correctly in the first place. As far as connection between them: very little. Any MBTI can be any Enneagram. The MBTI will dictate the character and shape of how the basic fear is approached in whatever enneagram.
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INFJ 4w5. Usually test as an INFP, but i'm 100% sure i'm not.
In my opinion there are certainly some correlations to be made. An INFJ 8 or 7 is very unlikely, also a INTP 2 seems imposible.
An INFJ 8 or 7 is very unlikely, also a INTP 2 seems imposible.

I'll challenge that! I'm an INFJ 8w9, and it makes the most sense for INFJ's to be challengers to authority with the basic fear of being controlled by someone, especially less intuitive, as INFJ's have the most insight about human behavior, they see more clearly than other types what needs to be changed and challenged for society long term. It's more bizarre for an INFJ to be a 7! As though the basic fear of being deprived and in pain, is ever evaded? Most INFJ's embrace this reality! That's a very extroverted fear I would give to ENTP's and ESFP's! Although, INFJ 7's are out there.

Stereotypes like INTP's will be 5's, makes sense, but ultimately utter nonsense to me, as a basic fear is a nurture function that is a driving force behind the will (enneagram), as opposed to an unshakeable passive demeanor (MBTI). Different foundations therefore all are completely integrative.
Screenshot_2014-09-28-21-21-42.png .
Type 5

Numbers are close to 9w1 though so maybe im just in a mood.
Surprised to see so many 6w5 early on in the first few pages of this thread. As an INFP, 6w5 is not supposed to be common. So, not sure. When I first typed Enneagram, I got 4w5 but I was going through a rough patch, and quite depressed. Then I typed 5w6, and now more consistently in the last few years 6w5.
That test just said I'm 5w6. Type 1 came in second.

I think my tri-type on another site's quiz went : 5w6, 1w9, 4w5
View attachment 22178 .
Type 5

Numbers are close to 9w1 though so maybe im just in a mood.

I also typed as 5 on this test but I know for sure that I'm 9w1, it fits me very well.

PSTypes Enneagram Test Results
The Distribution of Your Scores
• Type One:28
• Type Two:34
• Type Three:18
• Type Four:25
• Type Five:43
• Type Six:15
• Type Seven:7
• Type Eight:4
• Type Nine:39

Your probable Enneagram Type
Your main type is 5.
Considering the wings you should be a 5w4.
So with the new enneagram test I got 4w3.

So: xNFP or ISFP 4w3