Corporate Equality Index


On Holiday
This is interesting, and may not be easily accessible in other places. It talks about LGBT rights in corporate America -- it's a long honking PDF file with lots of info to absorb, so I'll just paste the letter from the editor to give the general idea:

I am honored to share with you the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index 2010 report — and the tremendous progress it demonstrates.

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE][FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE][FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]In these challenging economic times, the Corporate Equality Index once again demonstrates that businesses recognize the importance of working with and providing for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers and consumers. [/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]For every loss from bankruptcy or acquisition, several new businesses reached 100 percent. In addition, opposition from anti-LGBT organizations did not stem the tide of fairness. Major employers stepped forward in unprecedented ways, including steadfast support for marriage equality in California.[/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]The number of top-rated businesses continues to climb, reaching an unprecedented 305 businesses — a net increase of 45 over last year — representing more than 9.3-million full-time employees. [/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]And while the CEI continues to challenge employers to improve policies and practices, we embarked on intensive, groundbreaking research focusing on LGBT employees’ actual working climate. The forthcoming results will show that the majority of LGBT employees — including the newest generation of workers — still fear professional backlash from being open in the workplace. [/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]Passing an inclusive federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act would unequivocally support employers’ LGBT inclusion efforts. But we’re finding that, even in states with supportive laws on the books, employees still report unnecessary challenges. [/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]That’s why, in March 2009, we announced new CEI criteria that will go into effect in 2011(for the CEI 2012 report). They establish new standards for employers that get to the heart of organizational competence on LGBT inclusion and provides them with the tools to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and equally. [/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]At a time when holding onto a job is so critical for so many of us, we must be on guard to ensure that we are judged on the quality of our work and not our sexual orientation or gender identity. It is our hope that the Corporate Equality Index will help establish a level of fairness that all employees expect and deserve.[/FONT]

[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]Thank you, [/FONT]
[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]Joe SolmonesePresident, [/FONT]
[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]Human Rights Campaign Foundation[/FONT]

My company got 100% on this report, which is one reason I like working here. It's a very inclusive environment.
[FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE][FONT=Akzidenz Grotesk BE,Akzidenz Grotesk BE]

