Corona / Wuhan virus | Page 37 | INFJ Forum

Corona / Wuhan virus

and in today's presser. . we learned that America has a big white ship. . we are so fucked
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Well, it has finally happened. UK Government has just announced that all schools are to be shut down, and that all of the Secondary/Sixth-Form (or College) exams that were meant to be taking place in the coming months are cancelled. Nothing concrete on how the Gov't will make sure the students' progress "is not impeded" alongside the brief, just a "we won't go into the how".

A lot of families are going to be hit hard by this. There's plans for legislation to be passed to help and protect renters whom may not be able to afford their housing costs, and from what I've so far seen there's been £500M set aside by the Chancellor to help in some capacity those whom rely on council housing. Yet I have so far not seen anything on how those living on their weekly paychecks will be helped - the £94.25 per week sick pay (in some cases as low as £73), for many, simply isn't and won't be enough to cover all expenses. Also little said on how those that have been laid off or on zero-hour contracts as a result will be supported. Supposedly from what was said in the last House update there will be updates in the next few days on the support for the populace suffering such financial hardship - whether it will be enough remains to be seen. It's going to be a bit of a rollercoaster from here on out in Britain.
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So the guy I work with that just got back from a cruise, coughed in his hand and wiped it on me just called in today because he's, "sick as fuck."

Don't die on me bruh
Bruh. C'mon now. I don't die.
View attachment 64900

kill people so they can continue to make a crap-ton of money
100% to everything you said.

That's the problem though.
When they talk about "flattening the curve", it's because we already have 80% of the ventilators being used by other people with other illnesses and issues.
If there is a huge influx of people needing them - they will begin to ration care and preventable deaths will occur
Yep. It has already happened elsewhere, now it's happening here. Hospitals on have so many ventilators and usually have most of not all of them in use. The hospital my ex works at, sent most patients home and transported those that need continued care to the same part of the hospital multiple pts p/room to make room for the tidal wave that's coming. Then ordered a ton of backup emergency ventilators that aren't as effective.
he was babbling about a navy hospital ship
Ah, I'm a step behind with the news, just wanted a break.
I can't imagine being ill and sea sick at the same time.

Was reading that the US Navy has a COVID-19 problem on one of their ships. (A carrier: the USS Boxer) No way to social distance people who are assigned to quarters where everyone is literally 2'-4' apart.
You know what really grinds my gears...

The airline industry is currently begging the gov't for a bailout as of there couldn't possibly be anything more important. Skeet bitches.

To be honest I'd rather airlines not go bankrupt as I would rather like to visit my family when the crisis is over.
So weird how this thing has taken over our lives in such a short time. My job has gone in less than a week from "open and operating" as usual to remote work by almost the entire company. I still go into work sometimes, but it's not even required or suggested anymore. Really weird state of affairs. And the grocery story shortages are really not fun. People losing jobs, places closing, etc. We need a pick me up soon.
To be honest I'd rather airlines not go bankrupt as I would rather like to visit my family when the crisis is over.

The underlying idea in my comment (or in my brain) is that things can continue without funds if we only choose to do so. Money only has value because we say it does. My point is, just because things are weird now does not mean we can never travel by air again. Working together is groovy!