Congress Stealthily Moves Closer To Making Women Register For The Draft | INFJ Forum

Congress Stealthily Moves Closer To Making Women Register For The Draft

Roses In The Vineyard

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
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Ohhh thank you I was looking for this link for one of my stories.

@Roses In The Vineyard
I feel our world is heading towards that direction too. That being said opening the draft for women doesn't bother me. It's only fair.
But I feel you have more to say about this and I'm curious what it is, if you don't mind sharing.

How I feel about it that it is just another sign that the ship is sinking so to say and it is a very uncomfortable knowing the possible scenarios that could ultimately end with not only the downfall of this nation but a hue loss of its people. There is no way to candy coat this but still holding out that the above doesn't happen at all even if it meant something else happened in its place. I've been keeping up for a little over a decade and it has been a slow creep until recent years in that direction kinda like the side of a mountain getting ready to go with all the usual signs. As for Iran I'll just say that it is being set up as a trap for the US and its allies given that they do have the bomb however they won't use it until it becomes clear should they lose which would result in heavy losses for the US navy and air force. We haven't seen the worst for the Middle East not even by a long shot yet. As for China it will only happen should there be an opportunity present itself and it won't act alone.
Seems that if we are going to go back to the draft and force young men to serve in the military we should do the same for young women.
The whole notion of the draft is abhorrent to me however if we're going to do it it needs to be done equitably
They don’t need the draft. It’s virtue signaling. They already have robots that will do the fighting. Plus all the different bio weapons they have created. Humans are fragile. They break easy plus they think for themselves. Robots are where it’s at. They never question orders. They do what they are told. Humans are too expensive to care for their robot slaves will be almost free. Compared to us. Humans are too expensive to keep. They want to thin the plantations of the world. Once the supply chains break its game on for everyone. You won’t be worried about the draft when your starving to death. I feel like starvation will be the world wide phantom. It will only take some natural disasters to create a situation where things could all fall apart. We used to have farmers and farms. Now we have bill gates the farmer who now owns more land than anyone. The human race has a lot of enemies. The very people who rule over us want us gone. It’s become too expensive to keep all these humans going on. It’s cheaper to kill us than to let us grow old.
Women should be drafted. But like someone else said, future warfare will not be fought with human lives.
Had I known I wouldn’t have true love in my life ever. I would have chosen a military career when I was younger. I’d probably be dead by now from all the deployment but honestly, I’m already dead.
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Women should be drafted. But like someone else said, future warfare will not be fought with human lives.
Had I known I wouldn’t have true love in my life ever. I would have chosen a military career when I was younger. I’d probably be dead by now from all the deployment but honestly, I’m already dead.
please don't eat my brains
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Small scale robot war like the one show called robot wars on G4 a decade ago.

Each country put out their best battle bot and duke it out in a 1v1 cage match.

Victor gets extra fries with their big mac.


Also, they should draft both men and women, a time without war creates a weak generation. Not saying I'm for war, it's just fact. I look forward to next generation of strong backbone, less emotionally depressed children in the future. Even if they're simply VR controlling the remote controlled robot host bodies they'll be digitally connected to via the neo cortex to simulate real combat.

War is war, and although PTSD is no joke, so is suicide, especially because they didn't have your favorite caramel-mocha latte at Starbucks an your friends are more tik-tok famous than you.

Have some honor around your death ffs.
