Confused about INFJ (Newbie)


I have taken numerous Myers Briggs tests and I'm always getting the INFJ personality but with a chance at being an INFP, just to clarify.

So on tumblr I am reading infj posts and I relate to the whole caring for the people around me and literally putting myself second for everyone but I'm also very cold. I will constantly go back and fourth w being v warm and then being a jerk to the people I love the most. Also I roll my eyes at a lot of "emotional" stuff. Though, on my bad days I do let go of all the emotion and it's just too much and disgusting. BUT im also in love with the compassion I have with everyone around me.

I don't know, I guess i'm just confused where I feel like I care about everyone but I'm also an arse to the people I love the most. Is this normal or can I be another personality type?

I know how you feel about questioning your type. It can be really hard to judge. My friend kept testing as an INFP but he is definitely more of an INFJ. A lot of tests have questions where the wording kind of changes how you answer the question. I think I can recommend two strategies to help you confirm your type. the first is to read over the descriptions and see which one resonates more with you. The other thing is that I found the personality hacker podcast really helpful! They have a ton of interesting podcasts that can help you nail down your type. Particularly "PHQ Questions: INFP mistyping as other types" and "Episode 0132 - Your Inferior Cognitive Function" they get a bit technical with their explanations (which helps me) and they don't really put labels on the types. So definitely check it out if you can. I would also recommend looking into the functional stacks and how that works. It may clear some things up for you.

I hope that helps!
I have taken numerous Myers Briggs tests and I'm always getting the INFJ personality but with a chance at being an INFP, just to clarify.

So on tumblr I am reading infj posts and I relate to the whole caring for the people around me and literally putting myself second for everyone but I'm also very cold. I will constantly go back and fourth w being v warm and then being a jerk to the people I love the most. Also I roll my eyes at a lot of "emotional" stuff. Though, on my bad days I do let go of all the emotion and it's just too much and disgusting. BUT im also in love with the compassion I have with everyone around me.

I don't know, I guess i'm just confused where I feel like I care about everyone but I'm also an arse to the people I love the most. Is this normal or can I be another personality type?


There are a lot of not so great tests out there for MBTi. Have you tried this one? It actually measures how much you use each cognitive function, which is what MBTi quantifies. I would start there and see what your results are: If you share them here, I'm more than happy to help you decipher. :)

The reality of INFJ and INFP is that they have ZERO functions in common, so figuring out your functional stack is the surest way to type yourself.

Make sure you answer using the 3 guidelines they give you at the top: especially the one about "if you don't understand a phrase, mark 'not me'."