Buddhist Personality Test | INFJ Forum

Buddhist Personality Test


Town Drunkard
Oct 30, 2009

This test is not web friendly, i mixed up my results and did not really make a wish. (well sorta)


I interpret sex as... "Aromatic (Sensation)"
My Wife's personality "Familiar (ie attending spirit)"
The personality of my enemies. "Filthy"
How I feel about my life "Immensity"
My personality "Scout"

One I consider My true friend "my friend since tenth grade an the only infj i know in real life"
I will never forget "my spouse"
My twin soul "my youngest daughter"
I really love "My brother"
I will remember for the rest of my life "my Mom"
: )

1. Career
2. Love
3. Money
4. Family
5. Pride

Dog: Friendly; submissive
Cat: cunning; svelte
Rat: resourceful (darn!)
Coffee: warming
Sea: salty

Yellow: ISTJ best friend
Orange: INFJ childhood friend
Red: ex
White: ENFJ good friend
Green: ESTJ friend
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I am loud
I have no partner, but said partner would be independant
My enemies are hated
Sex is undesired
My life is tranquil

mind that I don't hate rats.
perhaps you should place your results in a separate post, as it might spoil answers if one reads the whole post before doing the test.
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Dog is companion
Cat is elder
The rat is shrewd
Coffee is comforting
the sea is Spirit

Yellow is my partner
Orange is my dad
Red is me
White is my brother
Green is my mother

*I almost picked tiger first, but decided not to because horses are more social and familial..
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1.) Horse - Family
2.) Sheep - Love
3.) Cow - Career
4.) Tiger - Pride
5.) Pig - Money (only 'cause of bad memories of them growing up on a farm, like that time a nest of baby birds fell into their pen and I couldn't save them before the pigs ate them)

Dog - Slobbery (personality) loool
Cat - Lazy and sly (partner)
Rat - Resourceful (enemies)
Coffee - Grandma (sex) WTF D:
Sea - Serendipitous and lovely (own life)

Yellow - Tywree (never forget) True.
Orange - John (true friend) My brother.
Red - Giulia (really love)
White - Kimberlina (twin soul) This is actually scarily accurate, unlike me apparently interpreting sex as being reminiscent of my dead grandma. xD Not only do we call ourselves twin souls, sometimes jokingly, though it seems true, but others call us that. I sometimes joke that we must've been separated at birth, even though she's 17 years older than me. : )
Green - Robyn (remember for rest of life) True. We were best friends, since we were around 7 years old, but recently had to part ways. It has now been a year since I've seen this person.
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I thought this looked familiar. : )


It's interesting to see the different words I chose for cat, dog, etc., and the different people I chose for the colors. Funny, that I was going to choose the same person for red this time, because when I thought red I thought passion and love, but decided not to.