BFF types | INFJ Forum

BFF types

Phoenix Down

Permanent Fixture
Jun 18, 2010
I've noticed there's a larger frequency of certain types among my good friends.

Most notably, the ones that tend to either stay in contact or actively seek my company are INTPs and INFPs.

It's curious. Anyway, anyone else notice the same thing among their friends? What types do your BFFs tend to be?
I'm really not sure what Myers Briggs type my friends are. I've honestly never thought about it nor asked them. I do know all of them are more extroverted then me, but they aren't full blown extroverts, as I generally cannot keep up with the social needs of extroverts; they freak me out too much :becky:
Looking at all my closest friends I believe the only commonality is that we are "feelers."
I love ISTPs. They're so much f**kin fun. They also hold their own in a philosophical debate. I've noticed they're the perfect meld of weird and normal.

I don't usually keep in contact with friends. Once they're out of my life, they're out of my life and I rarely think about them.
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BFF? Really?

Anyway, im usually drawn more quickly to Sensors, but have a decent spread as far as types. Few Es Few Is Few Ns Few Ss etc
Most of my friends IRL tend to be thinkers the exceptions being an INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, and ISFP.
My friends are a huge mix!

BFF/ significant other: ISTJ

best friends from high school: ISFJ, ISTP, ESFJ, INTJ

best friends from college: INFJ, INFP, INTP, INTJ, ISFP

my second best friend (also my niece): INFP -- probably my favorite person in the world and my favorite personality :)

But more importantly than that, they're just real about who they are and put themselves into the world as such. I can't stand people who live behind masks, regardless of type.

But more importantly than that, they're just real about who they are and put themselves into the world as such. I can't stand people who live behind masks, regardless of type.

Says the man who loves mystery (;
INTP - Close friends and long relationships.
The ones I've known have been so expressive that they're adorable but they're oblivious to my feelings and I end up needing to explain how I feel in more detail than I'm often comfortable explaining. They're also a little scattered and I exhaust them.

INTJ - Friends who like to argue.
It's often entertaining and sometimes educational... but it often feels like this is the only mode of communication available. They are so smart but their feelings get really hurt when they don't live up to their own fragile egos. They don't exhaust intellectually but they don't engage emotionally.

ENTJ, ENFJ - Mentors.
Maybe not best friends but ENTJs are people I admire at least.
I know one ENFJ who seems like he would be a great mentor and career advisor. I'm still working on this

INFP - Commiseraters.
They may be even more mopey than I am and sometimes leave me in the role of optimist. But again my real problem with them is that they're scattered and exhaust easily. I'm quite sure I hurt their feelings, too.

ENFP - Everyone's mom.
The ENFP I know has been a confidant to me. Though I would like for it to be more of a friendship I find that it is often one sided. I tell her all about the little details of my life but have to inquire a lot to get at any of hers. This is the opposite of my experience with most people. She also tends to be a parent to twenty or so people so her time and attention is very divided and I feel she overloads herself.

ISTP - I don't know.
Clueless and dense. I don't know why I keep trying. The S could stand for Superficial or Shallow. They're so smart but understand nothing. Emotional things have to be explained in excruciating detail--enough so that they actually exhaust me. I can't tell where I rank, whether I actually matter to them, and whether they are sincere. They get distracted so easily by itchy clothes, some flickering light, or anything else that they can be frustrating to talk to but despite all this they will actually try to listen. They pretend to agree then state the opposite like some weird passive aggressive form of debate.

INFJ - Fantasy friends.
I don't know that I know any in real life.... except probably my mom and we have other walls. The ones I've met online seem awesome and adorable. They're like cerebral Disney characters--much like how I have felt about INTP friends except that it seems like they actually pick up the emotional stuff in addition to expressing it. In real life they probably turn out to be Hitler or Bin Laden or something. :)

Stereotypes are just like... types with better imaging, right?
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In order of frequency: ENxP > INTP > ISTP > INFP > INTJ = ISTJ : only one of each of the IxTJs

My girlfriend is an INFJ, though I haven't had any male INFJ friends probably because they're rare, and maybe too put off by me to be interested.

Jacobi said:
I love ISTPs. They're so much f**kin fun. They also hold their own in a philosophical debate. I've noticed they're the perfect meld of weird and normal.

Throughout my life, I've run into INFJs and tend to keep them for a while. In my short life, I've met, identified and got closer to...four of them. Two male, two female. Then, in the past couple years, I've met two female INTJs. Both were already familiar with MB. Phew! I did convert an INFJ to our typology ranks though. xD Hehe. The individuals closest to me, when I actually knew what it meant beyond an elementary mentality, it was always INJs.

Outside of this, and for purely social reasons, I have ENFPs, and a few ESFPs in there, flocking to me. INFPs are next in line. Then INTPs. Well, the INTPs I have intellectual discussions with. They are fun but can be a little too broad in areas where I'm more focused. Thanks, Ne-Ni differences...