Best books about our Archetype. Specifically focused. | INFJ Forum

Best books about our Archetype. Specifically focused.


Jul 25, 2011
I am looking for books to read about hypersensitive personalities that dont talk about ghosts and mediums and other pseudoscience. I dont want to hear "Jung this Jung that" Books about hypersensitives and how it is not a gift at times. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Then you must read Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler.
Nevermind. It's a sci-fi book! But the main character's personality really reminds me of the INFJ archetype.
Ha! Sci-fi is fine because its fiction. Looking for more of the psychoanalytical mumbo jumbo. But thanks anyway!
I liked a novel called Temping by Kirby Olson. It's about a super sensitive who can't stand people who lives in Finland. Has a sick sense of humor. I thought it was INFJ all the way.
The surrealist novelist Philippe Soupault's novel Last Nights of Paris is a pretty good book, although in English it's not half the book it is in French. (William Carlos Williams translated it, but it's still not very good English.)