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I love every minute of this extravagant evening in Benghazi! I love the media cover-up and Hillary's blood clot. I love how crazy all of it is. I am a Republican. If this had happened to W. I'd be very annoyed if anyone was delighting in it and would say that they aren't patriotic and stuff. But I think this shows the Democrats at their worst. It makes even Carter look competent.

On the other hand, I really do like how we went in and surgically took out OBL. It was very precise. It did the job. I can't stand that Obama gets credit for it.

Does Benghazi cancel the OBL hit? We lost an ambassador.

Do you only like foreign news if it makes the party you don't like look bad? I love it when Democrats look bad. I used to be a Democrat and loved it when Republicans look bad.

I seethe with emotional energy when I feel all the raw hatred. It's voluptuous! I mean, I really get off on this stuff. I sit transfixed before Fox.

I think ten years ago I'd love Rachel Madcow.

Why do we get into these footballesque dichotomies and relish the schadenfreude?

I realized that the reason I like Fox is the emotional goosing. I couldn't stand the news back in the daze of objective reporting. I love this new subjective partisan hatred injected into politics. I hide this in real life.

But down deep, it's such a thrill.

However, I don't hate the Democrats so much that I want them to die. I just want them to be ashamed.

And I really often don't know what to believe. I read that the Russian papers have reported that Hillary was in a helicopter that got shot down inside of Iraq and barely survived. A Seal was killed. She hit her leg really badly in the crash. She's pretending she has a blood clot but it's really a broken leg.

This makes some sense. It's hard for me, because I don't want to like Hillary. But I also like the possibility of redemption! I want news to be morality drama 24/7! I might need help!
I love every minute of this extravagant evening in Benghazi!

However, I don't hate the Democrats so much that I want them to die. I just want them to be ashamed.

I think it is great that you are getting such a thrill out of the news. It is important to enjoy the things you enjoy.

The GOP has many admirable qualities.

I am particularly fond of they way they squandered the budget surplus once they took power during W's reign.
Heh, I totally get your enthusiasm. I follow politics pretty closely as well, it's a massive sprawling puzzle and I love putting together the pieces.

First off, just so you know, Osama bin Laden has been dead since December 2001. Obama lied about the raid so he could get re-elected. It's okay, I believed the lie too. Think about it. Did we ever see pictures of the body? Even Fox News reported Osama as being dead over a decade ago.,2933,41576,00.html

When tried to use a Freedom Of Information Act request to see pictures/video of Osama's death, the Pentagon messaged them back saying that they have no records on it. The whole story is horseshit. Look for yourself.

Regarding Benghazi, I think I mentioned it in another thread, but the consulate that was attacked was actually a CIA annex. The Obama Administration was illegally torturing prisoners and running guns into Syria, in order to arm the rebels (which is mainly Al-Qaeda/Salafi Jihadists) in their fight against Assad. You're totally right about it being a cover-up, it's despicable.

I know you enjoy Fox News, but if you want the truth then you should stay as far away as you can from it (or any cable tv news channel). Press in the United States, from MSNBC to Fox, is state run propaganda.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
William Casey, former Director of the CIA, in 1981
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Do you only like foreign news if it makes the party you don't like look bad? I love it when Democrats look bad. I used to be a Democrat and loved it when Republicans look bad.

I like when bad people are exposed.
I personally can't wait until the House shuts down the government in March.
I personally can't wait until the House shuts down the government in March.

Holding out for riots and social meltdown. Waiting and praying with crossed fingers.
Heh, I totally get your enthusiasm. I follow politics pretty closely as well, it's a massive sprawling puzzle and I love putting together the pieces.

First off, just so you know, Osama bin Laden has been dead since December 2001. Obama lied about the raid so he could get re-elected. It's okay, I believed the lie too. Think about it. Did we ever see pictures of the body? Even Fox News reported Osama as being dead over a decade ago.,2933,41576,00.html

When tried to use a Freedom Of Information Act request to see pictures/video of Osama's death, the Pentagon messaged them back saying that they have no records on it. The whole story is horseshit. Look for yourself.

Regarding Benghazi, I think I mentioned it in another thread, but the consulate that was attacked was actually a CIA annex. The Obama Administration was illegally torturing prisoners and running guns into Syria, in order to arm the rebels (which is mainly Al-Qaeda/Salafi Jihadists) in their fight against Assad. You're totally right about it being a cover-up, it's despicable.

I know you enjoy Fox News, but if you want the truth then you should stay as far away as you can from it (or any cable tv news channel). Press in the United States, from MSNBC to Fox, is state run propaganda.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
William Casey, former Director of the CIA, in 1981

Sad that the person who claimed Bin Laden was alive so that he could justify illegal warfare gets, at worst, ignored, at best, admired. The person who claimed he was alive for the purpose of taking the credit for killing him, on the other hand, gets criticized for lying. I laughed when I heard of his death. I laughed because I saw Obama play off the lies Bush started and thought it was sharp move on his part; how can the other party say he was lying without implicating themselves in the cover-up of the much greater, immoral and illegal lie? Of course, that was before the Republican Party threw themselves off the cliff and tossed out all the sane ones on the way down - now they just do damn near anything they want no matter how illegal or treasonous and claim it's legal because they're the ones making the laws.

And for the OP - Yes, you need serious help.

If you want raw, brutal anger and hatred, go watch a "reality" show; they're full of enough melodramatic b.s. to keep you occupied for a few years. What's *supposed to be* news is real people acting and behaving according to real life, complete with real repercussions. It's not supposed to be some sick, perverse game where you get to see how badly one side wins or loses any given situation and eat it up, begging for more.

The media is supposed to inform, objectively and unbiased. When done right, it's supposed to be a tool for the public to use to make social and political change based on facts that the press uncovers. The best moments in Press-related history have come from unbiased reporting and "muckraking" journalism; the Appolo Moon landing, Vietnam War footage, crash of the Hindenburg and journalists like Woodward and Bernstein, Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair.

Read these words carefully - FOX HAS NONE OF THAT. Call it entertainment and enjoy watching it with a bowl of popcorn in between Gilligan Island re-runs and American Idol. Don't ever, under any circumstances known to man, call it news.
I heard she was in a plane crash in Iran and the Iranians pulled her out of the wreckage. The navy seal in the plane with her died in the crash.

If that's true then it would appear she was in secret negotiations with the Iranians which probably isn't such a bad idea seeing as the US/Israel V's Iran situation is a flashpoint in the region and beyond

The US and UK governments like to make a lot of noise to their public that they 'never negotiate with terrorists' but really behind closed doors they are doing just that all the time
GOP should remame itself to WTF

The struggles of House Republicans have been shown most recently in the emergence of an influential but unofficial group that could be called the Vote No/Hope Yes Caucus. These are the small but significant number of Republican representatives who, on the recent legislation to head off the broad tax increases and spending cuts mandated by the so-called fiscal cliff, voted no while privately hoping – and at times even lobbying – in favor of the bill’s passage, given the potential harmful economic consequences otherwise