- InFU
As I become older and wiser it has occured to me that I am supposed to be a better human. There is no perfect situation. We have to learn to deal with what we have been given in life. It's how you handle those situations that make you or break you. I have had very difficult times in my life. But so has everyone else. I think the more you live and learn the more you understand that forgiveness is something that you should offer freely, to yourself and others. I have come across people who just can't be forgiven. I drop them and move on if I can't help them. I figure that they must choose a new path or stick with what they have been doing. For myself I want to be the best guy I can be towards other people. I have to sleep at night. In this world full of hate I want peace. But peace starts with me and ends with me. In my life I have learned that you must help yourself to forgive yourself so you can move on into the life you were supposed to live. I feel like when I was younger I was taught to react to the world not shape it and live in it. As an adult I have seen what inaction can do to you. I have been able to not let things affect me unless I want them too. I have learned to be patient and wait for kharma to come around. Instead of trying to inact my own Kharma on others. Life is hard enough but it seems like others want you to fail. I have had to learn to not let the bad stuff in and ruin my good nature. I feel better when I am helping others and they return the favor or thank me for my effort. I feel worse when I get used. I feel like you have to evolve into a better human. It is easier to destroy than create. At times it has been difficult breaking habits that I have learned. But at my core I am me. I just don't let anyone in. It is a survival skill that I have learned over life. Now that I understand myself I realsie that I have to be me. But I also have to let others be themselves too. I don't have the answers. I only have questions. And by looking and questioning what I am doing I am becoming a better man. Not just for me but for everyone I am in contact with.