Are you a thrill seeker? | INFJ Forum

Are you a thrill seeker?


Sep 5, 2009
Are you a thrill seeker?

You Are Adventurous... Sometimes

You like an adrenaline rush as much as the next person. You like your thrills in small doses.
You're generally pretty calm and level headed. But sometimes you have to go wild and have a crazy adventure.
You're up for extreme sports, as long as you know you'll be safe. You don't mind taking the risk.
When it comes to thrills that truly risk your life, you may be tempted... but you pick safety instead.

hmm . . .
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You Are Adventurous... Sometimes


You Are Adventurous... Sometimes

You like an adrenaline rush as much as the next person. You like your thrills in small doses.
You're generally pretty calm and level headed. But sometimes you have to go wild and have a crazy adventure.
You're up for extreme sports, as long as you know you'll be safe. You don't mind taking the risk.
When it comes to thrills that truly risk your life, you may be tempted... but you pick safety instead.
You Are a Thrill Seeker

You're all about the adrenaline - and you're a junkie for anything that gets your heart racing.
You've either tried or thought about trying all the major extreme sports.
And you've even thought up a few thrills that haven't been invented yet.
You are up for almost any adventure. Even if you're risking a couple broken bones!
