Anonymous Hacker Group Threatens Ferguson Police Department


The Anonymous hacker group threatened the Ferguson Police Department today.

The hackers promised to release personal information on every police officer if protests (rioting) is disrupted in Ferguson.

FOX 2 News reported:
The hacker group Anonymous has posted a video showing their support for the demonstrators. They have threatened to hack the Ferguson police department if any protesters are harmed. The group says they will release personal information from members of the police department and dump it on the internet.

They left this message with the video posted on YouTube:

Greetings world, we are Anonymous.
On August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri the 17 year old and unarmed Mike Brown was shot several times and killed by an officer of the Ferguson Police Department. His body was left to lie in a pool of blood in the sweltering heat for hours while 15 police departments militarized the area against protesters, sealed the roads leading to Ferguson in a vain attempt to prevent protesters from reaching the city. The police has clearly crossed a line in the sand.
For this reason Anonymous will not be satisfied this time, as we have in the past – with simply obtaining justice for this young man and his family. Anonymous demands that the Congressional Representatives and Senators from Missouri introduce legislation entitled “Mike Brown’s Law” that will set strict national standards for police conduct and misbehaviour in the USA.
To the good people of Ferguson, take heart – and take your streets. You are not alone, we will support you in every way possible. Occupy every square inch of your city. Demand justice, staying silent today could result in the death of your kid tomorrow.
To the Ferguson Police Department and any other jurisdictions who are deployed to the protests: we are watching you very closely. If you abuse, harass – or harm in any way the protesters in Ferguson we will take every web based asset of your departments and governments off line. That is not a threat, it is a promise. Attacking the protesters will result in the release of personal information on every single member of the Ferguson Police Department, as well as any other jurisdiction that participates in the abuse of this States own law. We will seize all your databases and E-Mail spools and dump them on the Internet. This is your first and last warning.
The time has come for more than simple justice for these atrocities. The time has come to draw a line in the sand. The time has come to bring those to justice, who served to protect us, not kill us.
Until justice prevails, hack and protest will replace it.

What do you think of this action?

Are they justified?




Or a bunch of hackers looking for an excuse?

Would like to believe some good can come out of any action. I think the idea that laws be put in place for how police can act is interesting but in the end would do no good.

Truthfully as the world population grows, anarchy will follow and for as romantic as some see it, its not a good thing.
Or a bunch of hackers looking for an excuse?


Not really on topic, but "The Anonymous" isn't really one organization or such. Any group of people could call themselves the anonymous, and it could range from anything like this to raiding children's game sites like habbo hotel with swastikas. I'm not saying they are the same people, because they are not - but they all use the same name.

I know too little about the case, and Ferguson, Missouri, in general, to make a stance. I don't think it is necessarily all bad, but generally the wrong way to approach. I think transparency can be a good thing, but I don't know to what extent the information can be used, nor to what extent they (hackers) are ready to defend the actions of the protesters. Let's just hope they can solve it in civil manners.
Police just need more funding. This funding specifically should go to getting cameras that would be mandatory to wear by every officer. That way all the information for every situation and every shooting would be available.
Police brutality is on the rise

The police force are using psychometric testing to select certain types of people as candidates for the police force; they are looking for a marked lack of empathy

Also they are being encouraged to be tough on the public, to do more stop and searches, more house entries and so on and they are protecting any police who overstep the mark

Shoot an unarmed member of the public and you go to jail, unless you are a cop in which case you'll just be put on desk duties for a while

The polcie state want people to get used to being pushed around by authority
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I don't condone it but I also don't condemn them and I sure as hell won't cry about it if they succeed.

Are they justified?
I don't know. What I do know is that the typical social mechanism which would derive what is justified or not is entirely broken currently. So even if we were to say it is or isn't justified, that conclusion can't necessarily be trusted.



Not necessarily. But maybe some of them are in a round about way.

Or a bunch of hackers looking for an excuse?
I'm sure some of them are, considering the nature of the entity.
I appreciate their efforts, but releasing the names of all the police and their information, just seems like they're trying to incite violence against the police.

I think there's a lot of corruption in the police force because there is a lack of accountability...but at the same time, there are SO many heroes in the force that go out every day to risk their lives.

I'm not sure this call to action will help the situation. I think it's important for communities to enforce transparency in their government and municipal forces, but not at the cost of privacy and safety of the workers.
Honestly, anonymous isn't even much a hacker group. There might be a few hackers among them, but they're mostly a ddos and scary youtube video group.

But, people are ignorant, so they still get freaked out.

They are mostly activists, sort of.
no one worried about the rise of police brutality across the US?


Not bothered they are gunning you folks down and beating on ya? emotional response to that?
no one worried about the rise of police brutality across the US?


Not bothered they are gunning you folks down and beating on ya? emotional response to that?

I already used mine up for this week.
I already used mine up for this week.

I'm not necessarily talking about emotional investment...i'm talking about where people put their focus (which can be guided by emotion ie the heart knows police brutality is wrong)
I'm not necessarily talking about emotional investment...i'm talking about where people put their focus (which can be guided by emotion ie the heart knows police brutality is wrong)
The focus is on the topic for the thread which is where it probably should be while in the thread.
The focus is on the topic for the thread which is where it probably should be while in the thread.

I strongly disagree

If you only speak within the parameters set by others then you might just find that you are never allowed to speak from the heart because things are framed all the time...discussions are framed, thought is framed, behaviours are framed etc
Police just need more funding. This funding specifically should go to getting cameras that would be mandatory to wear by every officer. That way all the information for every situation and every shooting would be available.

The police get massive amounts of's the people who need funding
I appreciate their efforts, but releasing the names of all the police and their information, just seems like they're trying to incite violence against the police.

I think there's a lot of corruption in the police force because there is a lack of accountability...but at the same time, there are SO many heroes in the force that go out every day to risk their lives.

I'm not sure this call to action will help the situation. I think it's important for communities to enforce transparency in their government and municipal forces, but not at the cost of privacy and safety of the workers.

How do you make them be accountable? Ask them nicely? What if they say no?

What do you do when the law breaks the law? When the government sanctions the law, and internal affairs covers for the law breakers among the law? Where is your recourse if not among the law?

If you're being beaten by a thug you call the police. If you're being beaten by the police, who do you call?
I strongly disagree

If you only speak within the parameters set by others then you might just find that you are never allowed to speak from the heart because things are framed all the time...discussions are framed, thought is framed, behaviours are framed etc
Disagree all you want.
Here's the thing...and this is going to become more and more clear to people as time goes on....that stuff about the police being there to 'serve and protect' you the public...that's all horseshit

The police are there to protect the ruling class from YOU

If you protest the economy or the bankers or the government the police will up in your face filling it with pepper spray

They are NOT on your side

Yes they might break up violence amongst the public but that is because the ruling class want peace amongst the workers so that they can milk you for tax

The police ARE corrupt and it is because they are an instrument of the corrupt ruling class

The best hope we have is to reach as many police with consciousness expanding info as possible so that they can begin to realise what is really going on in their country and try and win some over to the cause of the people
Entirely premature.

It's been only 4 days, yet people always seem to expect prejudicial behavior both causally and effectually.

The anger and outrage can wait until an official response is propositioned.
Entirely premature.

It's been only 4 days, yet people always seem to expect prejudicial behavior both causally and effectually.

The anger and outrage can wait until an official response is propositioned.

There's a big problem with police corruption and brutality on both sides of the atlantic

The internet is now awash with videos of polcie brutality and police shootings, often of unarmed people

people have every right to be outraged; i'm not advocating that they go out and riot like they did here in the UK aftre the shooting of Mark Duggan but i do think people should verbalise their outrage at the very least, because the authorities work by seeing what they can get away with.

if there is no public response then they push a little further and they keep going bit by bit towards their totalitarian regime