Animal personality test.. Interesting.. | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Animal personality test.. Interesting..

I've always had a soft spot for snakes.
I've never heard anyone say a twist of snakes before. It works though.

A slither of snakes is the best.

I got Bear, Penguin and Horse.

Bear was way off. I am not good to be a P.E. teacher. I was crap at P.E.
Though apparently horses like basketball and I did play that.
But the three times we played it in P.E. were crap because the kids didn't know the rules or, like, give a shit.
And neither did I really. Penguin and Horse were close. Penguin moreso.

Have you noticed how the descriptions have nothing to do with animals though?

Neither does the quiz really.

Genus and species:
Crocodylus niloticus

Collective Term:
A treachery of crocodile

Careers and Hobbies
Undercover cop
Bail bondsman

Famous Crocodiles
Osama bin Laden
Charles Manson
Ted Bundy
Jeffrey Dahmer

Crocodiles are lean, leathery individuals with air of wariness that comes from living on the edge. Their skin is often decorated with scars or tattoos. But crocodiles are not always easy to identify, because their survival strategy is based on misdirection and camouflage. As natural predators crocs attack without subtlety or intelligence, using any weapon at their disposal.

Crocodiles prefer docile prey, as the more unwary their victims the less likely they are to struggle. They think nothing of using dirty tricks to gain an advantage and have little sense of honor.

Crocs have little conscience, compassion, or guiding philosophy save that of survival and self-interest. Beware the crocodile's tears, because although they may run freely they do not run deep.

Living on the fringes of society, crocs avoid mainstream locales and prefer dimly lit, grimy hotels for their pursuit of food and entertainment. They ply their nefarious crafts by both day and night and are masters of disguise. Their ability to mask their true colors allows them to befriend unsuspecting victims, usurp their resources and then disappear.

They do serve a useful service to society however, doing jobs that others find too unpleasant. With their talent for disguise, they are excellent private investigators, doing deep undercover work that reputable companies shun.

Because of their ruthless natures, they are also hired by legitimate businesses as bouncers or personal bodyguards. Some enterprising crocodiles go into their own businesses as gang-members, drug dealers, hired killers and second-story men, but all too often find their true calling as common thieves or conmen.

I'm really getting tired of personality tests calling me a psychopath.
Wild Cat

Genus and species:

Felis sylvestris

Collective Term:
A clowder of wildcats

Careers and Hobbies:
Travel agent

Famous Wild Cats:
Michelle Pfeiffer
Heather Locklear

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." ~Mark Twain

Wildcat personalities do not differ substantially from their domestic cousins and exhibit the aloof behavior that is common to all felines. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.

The wildcat would never take a conventional route and prefers to explore life from off the beaten track, relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it safely through the jungle. Its air of indifference and need for privacy keeps it on the outskirts of society, but its love for comfort always brings it back.

Exceptional personal hygiene is a hallmark of the wildcat personality, and from their hair to their fingernails they are immaculately groomed. Shopping for clothing or personal-care items spices up long, dreary days.

When someone wrongs a wildcat, they make it their business to even the score. Displaying superb patience, wildcats will even wait years for the right moment. When the occasion comes to strike, they gather all their force and attack. In the face of a ferocious display of hissing and blustering, their surprised victim has little chance of escape.

The wildcat differs from its lion relatives in its approach to its social structure. With an aversion to the complex family organization of the lion, the wildcat finds freedom and self-indulgence to be far more compelling. As a natural explorer it disdains staying in one place for long, preferring the freedom of solitary roaming in exotic locales. This wanderlust makes it ideal for a career as a travel agent, explorer, mountain climber, researcher or writer.

Although wildcats are uncomfortable performing in front of large groups, their grace and lithe bodies make them natural dancers or gymnasts.
I feel like I relate more to the fox now than when I first got this and it was in my top 3..

The fox is very much a creature of the night and is, along with its dog relatives, the most gregarious of the carnivores. Their agile minds are always active, and although they never intend to harm others foxes have developed a reputation for slyness and manipulation. The female of the species is called a vixen for good reason: With her sharp mind and equally sharp tongue, she is best left alone when angry.

Appealing, cerebral and of average size, the fox is a close relative of both the wolf and dog personalities and displays typical canine qualities of loyalty, passion and creativity. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it's the fox's unique stature as a small carnivore that defines its survival strategy. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources. Consequently it spends a lot of time in its head, giving the impression that it's trying to outsmart its friends. The fox is often surprised to learn that its intellectual pursuits are intimidating.

Foxes are fussy eaters and feed on a wide range of foods. With an appreciation for the finer things in life, they demand quality in entertainment, food, and friends. A love for exploration is mixed with enjoyment in overcoming challenges, and foxes are often out climbing mountains or journeying to exotic, forbidden places.

Flamboyance is usually not the fox's style, preferring to remain inconspicuous in choose subtlety and cunning over brute strength. They live in small, cozy environments and their houses are usually organized and neat. As a hunter personality, foxes are in good physical shape and enjoy sports that challenge their mind and body.

Foxes are typically successful in the workplace, but their competitiveness and ambition sometimes make coworkers feel belittled. They would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to their feelings. So they thrive in their own businesses and like to surround themselves with family and friends in these ventures. Although they demand consensus in all decisions, they dominate discussions and steer the plans to reflect their own agenda. Competent in a wide range of fields, foxes are particularly well suited for a career as computer programmers, lawyers, doctors or professional chess players.
Wow- the collective term is a 'cauldron of bats'! Didnt know that- how trippy



Collective Term:
A cauldron of bats

Careers and Hobbies
Social Worker

Famous Bats
Gypsy Rose Lee

This is a decidedly nonconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and has not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations (hence the phrase "acting batty"). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces, generally decorated in unusual but expressive ways.

A sixth sense gives bats a number of advantages in their work, and their insightful nature enables them to understand others better than they understand themselves. This intuitiveness makes bats excellent psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and palm readers. They respond poorly to direction however, and function best as a sole practitioners in their own business. Preferring to work at night and sleep by day, a bat's job must be flexible enough to accommodate these unusual hours. A creative streak often finds them in the design and architectural fields, and their unique relationship with dark caves makes you a natural archeologist or spelunker.

Although the bat's spiritual side is always on display, they are not overly emotional. Because of their unusual and sometimes awkward approach to life they can sometimes have difficulty finding companions. However, bats respond well to anyone who shares their philosophical perspective, and they love spending long hours in deep conversation. Once they have successfully located a partner, bats prove to be both dependable and committed companions.
Wild Cat

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." ~Mark Twain

Wildcat personalities do not differ substantially from their domestic cousins and exhibit the aloof behavior that is common to all felines. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.

The wildcat would never take a conventional route and prefers to explore life from off the beaten track, relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it safely through the jungle. Its air of indifference and need for privacy keeps it on the outskirts of society, but its love for comfort always brings it back.

Exceptional personal hygiene is a hallmark of the wildcat personality, and from their hair to their fingernails they are immaculately groomed. Shopping for clothing or personal-care items spices up long, dreary days.

When someone wrongs a wildcat, they make it their business to even the score. Displaying superb patience, wildcats will even wait years for the right moment. When the occasion comes to strike, they gather all their force and attack. In the face of a ferocious display of hissing and blustering, their surprised victim has little chance of escape.

The wildcat differs from its lion relatives in its approach to its social structure. With an aversion to the complex family organization of the lion, the wildcat finds freedom and self-indulgence to be far more compelling. As a natural explorer it disdains staying in one place for long, preferring the freedom of solitary roaming in exotic locales. This wanderlust makes it ideal for a career as a travel agent, explorer, mountain climber, researcher or writer.

Although wildcats are uncomfortable performing in front of large groups, their grace and lithe bodies make them natural dancers or gymnasts.
Wild Dog

Genus and species:
Canis canidae

Collective Term:
A tribe of wild dogs

Careers and Hobbies
Horse riding
Surfing the net

Famous Wild Dogs
Martina Navratilova
Vladimir Lenin

Most people who meet a wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the dog and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends, for wild dogs don't see themselves as rugged individualists but rather as members of a social team that demands constant bonding and cooperation.

Reliable in a crisis, wild dogs are charitable to those in need and have a strong sense of social justice. They are dependable and generous to a fault, but there is a darker side to their character. If they believe they have been wronged, they'll carry a grudge for a long time and punish the offender by withdrawing otherwise unconditional support.

Although they are not a natural leaders, wild dogs are popular and well liked and their indomitable sense of adventure attracts others who appreciate living on the edge. They were not blessed with a particularly handsome face, but their trim body is well conditioned by athletic endeavors and they take pride in their appearance.

As is typical of a carnivorous personality, wild dogs love to travel and choose to vacation in stimulating environments where they can expand their understanding of the world. They become restless when they haven't taken a vacation in a while.

Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. No one can take an idea and run with it better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.

Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment.