
Community Member
I'm having trouble deciding. I am most definately INFx, and took a functions test and had Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe all about equal. Both the INFP and INFJ portraits seem to fit me, I think INFJ a little better but I most definitely could be mistaken.

What kind of information do you need to help me figure this out?
You are TurtleTrooper, and that is all that matters! :P
Jokes aside, I also oscillate between INFJ and INFP. (I picked INFJ, because they;re awsome) It's actually vey common for a person to have traits from two close/similiar types. And depending on the kind of stimulus you're subjected to, one trait will dominate the other.
Call upon the powers of Adymus.
Jokes aside, I also oscillate between INFJ and INFP. (I picked INFJ, because they;re awsome) It's actually vey common for a person to have traits from two close/similiar types. And depending on the kind of stimulus you're subjected to, one trait will dominate the other.

I always score INFP on the tests, but INFJ profile seems to fit me a little better. Maybe I'm just an INFJ with ADD which would explain getting the P on the tests....
I always score INFP on the tests, but INFJ profile seems to fit me a little better. Maybe I'm just an INFJ with ADD which would explain getting the P on the tests....

Yup, I think that's probably it for me too. I am so incoherent in my words and thoughts, that sometimes I think I MUST be an INFP. I need time to get my thoughts straight out.
I know I always try to put words to my feelings. Therefore I contradict myself all the time because I never feel the same. But now this sounds more INFPish.
check the side bar...most of us are INF in PJ's ...its very common for us because ( and I know there is better wording for this reasoning) BUt it has to do with how the J reacts to the INF in us...P is so natural for NF's because of the nature of them...and an INF more so. Most of us have LOW J functions...EG mine is like 17...its there and my P and J are at war most of the time. P is even lower for me something like 11...Just love who you are and join us...and for gods sake put on some PJ's!
I know I always try to put words to my feelings. Therefore I contradict myself all the time because I never feel the same. But now this sounds more INFPish.


That's the reason why i've given on typing myself. I'm who I am. Even if that means I belong to two or 5 different types. :P
check the side bar...most of us are INF in PJ's ...its very common for us because ( and I know there is better wording for this reasoning) BUt it has to do with how the J reacts to the INF in us...P is so natural for NF's because of the nature of them...and an INF more so. Most of us have LOW J functions...EG mine is like 17...its there and my P and J are at war most of the time. P is even lower for me something like 11...Just love who you are and join us...and for gods sake put on some PJ's!

Lol, maybe it's the J in me that just wants find the right place in the system.

I could keep going all days on arguments back and for between P and J.
PJs sound comfy.
Lol, maybe it's the J in me that just wants find the right place in the system.

I could keep going all days on arguments back and for between P and J.
PJs sound comfy.

THey are very comfy!

Let me put it to you this way:
If you are:

  • Crazy
  • over-emotional
  • Have ADD
  • Not able to use logic

You might be an INFP!!

I am all of the above >.<
I try to be logical, but I really just can't.

EDIT: I actually use and listen to logic all the time. I just am a completely illogical person. It's almost like there are no constants.
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I have been meaning to start one of these topics myself. Then I realized god broke the mold, burned it and buried the ashes, so all attempts at deconstruction and explanation are generally pointless and serve only to feed my own ego. I bounce between infj,intp and infp respectively myself. i decided i'm all three. on different days. i feel like an infp today.
I have been meaning to start one of these topics myself. Then I realized god broke the mold, burned it and buried the ashes, so all attempts at deconstruction and explanation are generally pointless and serve only to feed my own ego. I bounce between infj,intp and infp respectively myself. i decided i'm all three. on different days. i feel like an infp today.

I wouldn't know where to begin to type you. You seem very well rounded to me, able to change and adapt well to situations.

I've settled on INFP with ISTJ tendencies for myself. I guess.
What do I know?!
you guys should read temperaments. there all pretty different. the four temperaments are SP (artisan) SJ (guardian) NF (idealist) and NT (rational). Should help narrow it down for you guys.

I am so blatantly an NF its ridiculous.