A thought on God. | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

A thought on God.

I don't follow. Could you put that into a mathematical proof or musical ensemble?
I'm just teasing, of course.


A very nice piece. What made you choose the Toccata? Seems fast paced with the tension rising and falling as quickly over a large range.

A very nice piece. What made you choose the Toccata? Seems fast paced with the tension rising and falling as quickly over a large range.

In truth, the complexity of it. The demand required of the performer to meet the standard set by Ravel is what intrigues me. The overview states that Ravel wrote this in memory of friends who died in battle during WW1. Having two grandfathers who were in the world wars and hearing their stories of lost friends and hard ships helps me understand the nature of the music. The spikes in rhythm and tempo address Ravels anger and frustration at the senseless loss, with the smoother sections recalling memories of those he cared for. The sense of emotional rollercoaster that comes with the loss of a friend, which is what this piece is about, and that is where the world is now, in a state chaotic tempo.