[INFJ] 2019: Amazon starts burning books again, first time since 1933


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2w1, 6w5, 9w1
Recently I wondered why a book like "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry" by Colin Flaherty "disappeared" from Amazon, a #1 bestseller by a very accomplished author (author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot"), you can (currently) still read the reviews btw
"just the book" is not available anymore.

And today I found this:

IMHO the last time something like this happened was 1933
as the effect is basically the same, the book is not available anymore at the biggest book vendor and sales therefore go to near zero, so this is clearly, at least IMHO, the equivalent to book burning.

IMHO I think that it is clear that by this act, Amazon finally crossed the red line, if Amazon gets away with this, this will mean the end of free speech, the end of democracy, and the beginning of a new dictatorship, this time probably a socialistic, leftist dictatorship, probably by corporations, political correctness, moneysacks, fake news media and so on. The list of censored books will, without a doubt, grow longer and longer, and soon the entire book market will be streamlined and politically correct.

IMHO one should not continue to buy from Amazon after this (any product).

At the same time the EU(DSSR) passed Article 13, which might be the end of the free Internet, at least in most of Europe.

So now we got the end of the free book market and the end of the Internet, what a nice combination!

But didnt we all know it would finally come to this?

IMHO Amazon should now be dismantled as a company for violation of the first amendment, and the EU should be dissolved for violating the rights of ca. 500 million people. IMHO it is already 5 minutes after 12 o clock. Just as Google, Facebook and the other big tech traitors, the list is long. We dont need a censored book market and we do not need a censored Internet.

BTW I suggest you check out http://www.minds.com, http://www.gab.ai, http://www.mewe.com, http://www.steemit.com, and d.tube and bitchute.com.

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Then buy it elsewhere. They are a private company and can legally decide to sell or not sell whatever items they like. Amazon is not the government and your rights remain intact.
Lets assume this was 1933 and you were Chinese, you would probably say:
"Wazzda Ploblem!! Just buy the book elsewhele (Flance! The Black Malket!)! Youl lights lemain intact (elsewhele)!"

This is even a fitting analogy, because it is true, you can still get these books elsewhere. I mean, if you know they exist ;-)

If Mr. Bezos would own the entire US water supply and decides to cut it to feed it to an artificial iceberg in his private swimming pool (the pacific, for example), you would probably say, it is his private property and just search for another vendor (elsewhere).

You know what the heart of the matter of your posting is? I will translate it for you: "I DONT CARE(, I am not affected, these books dont matter to me, books dont matter to me, I am sure "my books" will not ever be affected by this)".
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If Mr. Bezos would own the entire US water supply and decides to cut it to feed it to an artificial iceberg in his private swimming pool (the pacific, for example), you would probably say, it is his private property and just search for another vendor (elsewhere).

This makes no sense.
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The iceberg too big, the imagination too small ;-)
Yeah, that's it. Me bean too ittle...

A book vendor (no matter how "big") deciding not to sell a book (or books) is not comparable to one person "owning" all of the water supply and diverting it to a private pool. There are other options for book distribution if the author wants to put it out there. Maybe the ease of such widespread distribution is hindered a bit. Maybe fewer people will know the book exists. Neither of those are wiped out entirely, but I don't even need water so I don't care.
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I agree that the "widerspread" distribution might be hindered a small itsibitsy bit and a handful of people might perhaps not know these books exist ;-)

I guess you drink Coca Cola and therefore dont need water ;-) (just like Marie Antoinette was supposed to say, "if the people dont have bread they should eat cake", shortly after that she lost her head, however it is probably a myth that she said that)

Why do I still think this thread revolves around the topic "I dont care", lol.

I heard the water in USA is fluoridated (or whatever the verb is). Adolf did the same to the water supply of KZ inmates, but this is surely just coincidence ;-)
I agree with @acd, it's a private company and they're in their full right to do so. As I also think it should be.

There's a problem though when legislation such as article 13 act to stifle competition, in conjunction with companies being near monopolies in certain sectors.
Lets assume this was 1933 and you were Chinese, you would probably say:
"Wazzda Ploblem!! Just buy the book elsewhele (Flance! The Black Malket!)! Youl lights lemain intact (elsewhele)!"

OK, so you're trolling? Trying to get a rise out of people? I can't think of any other reason you'd write this garbage on the forum... oh wait, never mind. I can think of other reasons.

IMHO Amazon should now be dismantled as a company for violation of the first amendment,

As others have stated: Amazon is a private company. They can stop selling all books if they want to. They are in violation of nothing.

BTW, Amazon stops selling books for many different reasons. Sometimes publishers and Amazon don't make agreements and all the books by that publisher are pulled. I've seen it happen to friends. In this case, it seems Amazon decided they don't want to sell the book. There are still other bloated racist propaganda books available, though, so it isn't like they've banned the entire genre.
Do you think "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry" is racist? I think this thread still revolves around "I dont care" and "I am not affected" or "I dont like these books". It seems many here are unable to grasp the importance of free access to books. And dont tell me just because some dealer in a corner of the bronx still sells a book this is "free access", as this is exactly what you are currently trying to tell me. And how can you order a book you never heard about? Same applies to the Internet, if Google censors something - which it frequently does by changing the algorithm - I can still find it somewhere in the Darknet, so "wazzda ploblem"??? And thats the problem with censorship: ***CENSORED*** Now you know, but what are you going to do with this knowledge?
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I read plenty of books that are only available at small publishers. It isn't difficult to shop at small publishers and small businesses.

Amazon isn't the only big book seller. Barnes and Noble still sells the book, and they're not exactly a 'street corner vender'.

Yes, Google sucks. The end of net neutrality made sure Google can be even worse than it was. Use a different search engine and bookmark anything you want access to again.
free access
The author can advertise any and every way they are willing to to draw interest to the book. If the author relies solely on Amazon for advertisement and sales maybe Amazon isn't the problem, but the author should investigate other options for getting the book out to the public. There are other options...
The author can advertise any and every way they are willing to to draw interest to the book. If the author relies solely on Amazon for advertisement and sales maybe Amazon isn't the problem, but the author should investigate other options for getting the book out to the public. There are other options...
Like maybe sending trolls throughout every obscure crevice of the internet!?:tonguewink:
I don't drink Coca Cola. I don't have a body.

Milk + toast =

Body of toast, swims in milk
Debates on censorship bring be back to my high school history class days. awww, *Warm feels* Who put this gum in my hair?

I believe the issue here is that some folk don't grasp the difference between a private company/store selling what they want to sell verses the government keeping information from us. Amazon can and should stop some items from being sold on their site if they wish to appeal to and not alienate their market. It is also fully within their rights to follow their own moral code as to what is appropriate to stock and sell.

The government on the other hand does their best every day to censor what we hear, read and even think on a daily basis. @puzzledheart, If you are serious about fighting censorship then you're simply picking the wrong fight. You want to go after public libraries and the FCC. Good luck there though, LOL. Frankly, I enjoy not having an 'adult' section in the library.