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    Because agape goes beyond normal love. It's more than just an essence, a feeling. I really don't know how to explain it :)
    haha that's what I first though when I heard the word.

    It reminds me of a yummy apple/grape hybrid exotic fruit.

    But 'tis the Greek work for love
    Awww. I fell loved, regardless. A lot of people have been showing me agape today.

    Me Likey ^^
    Well, after like 5 years of gaming, I finally became numb to the difference. I then had to go on a massive crusade to correct my misgivings. Now I just don't care. You're lucky I even do the apostrophe in whatever contraction I'm using. Don't even get me started on "I".
    It's the only thing I purposely do wrong. I like to think of it as my little signature to prove everyone wrong. XD
    I really just don't care enough about you're and your
    I was wrong.. <.<
    I am who I am. That means that I am sometimes a complete arrogant prick. Other times it means I'm funny and cool to be around. I'm trying very hard to not fit into the stereotype, nor trying to not fit into it.
    The political thread is what made me laugh my ass off and leave. I haven't watched carebears since I was 7... don't plan to.... I'm not hating on sensors? o.O
    ENFP forum hands down. The INTJ's like to try to fit into the typical personality, and as such become complete ass holes... There is a big difference between having little emotion and being a complete ass hole.
    Well, I think logically. Hence the "T". I am very distant from my feelings and have little understanding of them. I understand them little and express them even worse.
    Squeeing over your red panda avatar. :) LOVE them. I have a stuffed red panda that I sleep with... sometimes I think he's real.
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