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  • Miss you too, girl~ ;__; Oh, cool! :) Awh, exams are always pain, ughh! >.< That's great they are over, you can relax more now. I've been very stressed, worried and sad... Because job is ending soon. :( Need to find a new one...
    @rep -Because they don't shut up, the think they know more than me, they think they can manipulate me; a lot of them are psychopaths.
    If by closer you mean pissing in the urinal stalls next to each other somehow like three times a week, then sure. :)

    we don't talk much; he seems alright, just a little different.
    Ohhhhhh my dear dear dear beautiful friend Switchgirl! :hug: Thank you for missing me. I have been very very well.... diving deeply into my delicious life... mmmmm! Getting ready for the holidays- baking yummy treats, ordering gifts, spending time with family and my besties. Enjoying time with an old dear friend that has returned to my workplace.... he is very special to me. My Dad has had some serious health issues- and being it's just the two of us, the responsibility for helping out lies on my shoulders. Heavy sometimes. I have been writing lots- developing my life vision and reflecting on how far I have come. Me time. Amazing! How are yoooouuuu? Saw your clip in the introduction section- gorgeous girl you are! We must meet up and visit at some point please. Spring Switchgirl visit methinks! Love you! oxo
    "I had no idea what to say either.. I sort of just winged it"

    i noticed. and you pulled it off rather well. It would be a train wreck for me.
    Yuuuup I sit at the desk like L. And I am surprised I haven't developed diabetes yet, though I swear juice boxes are already my best friend. Gummy bears and panda cookies are the bane of my existence, except they are so cute and delicious it is hard to think of them in that light (the healthy part of my brain that attempts to stay healthy begs to differ). Cannot...survive...without coffee and tea... I do weight training and lots of squats with weights because my posture is terrible. I want people to perceive me more seriously and I know that poor posture has something to do with it. I've got the rings under my eyes too even when I do sleep well. I am probably not eating right even though I take vitamins and everything Doctor Oz says keeps your skin healthy.

    *goes to research Nika*
    Does your bf know the reason he does it? I've always heard it's stress-related, and in my case I think that's the reason.

    I've woken up a few times in the night, right when my jaw was still moving. Ugh. >.<
    What character do you identify most with from any series? I identify most with L from Death Note. Uuuhm. He gets typed as INTP but I can sort of see a reclusive Ti ENTP too since sometimes he seems to lead with Ti/Ne balance. IDK I had people always telling me I needed to see the series because the character reminded them of me, just a female version. I even had someone make my character in an online game named "L" just so it would be the catalyst for me watching the series. He was like NO YOU HAVE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THE CHARACTER IS TOO MUCH LIKE YOU FOR YOU TO NOT SEE IT. But the mannerisms/body language, personality, and how he goes about life is very similar to me. I think I come off more like the L from the live action Death Note movie rather the anime version.
    I get that too (the introverted mode). From what I have read ENTP and ENFP often have their leading "Ne" day, to the point it exhausts them and then they need a day alone to relax. I know trying to "Ne" to lots of people can be overwhelming from personal experience. And you may be ENFP if the Fe switch mode is draining for you. I have developed a pretty powerful Fi over the years but it drains me to use it for too long and I start getting depressed. I looooove talking to old people :D
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