Waiting on the world to change | INFJ Forum

Waiting on the world to change


Sep 5, 2009
There's no doubt that there much about the world which many would argue needs to be changed in some way, hopefully for the better.

Now, change sometimes takes time and doesn't always happen in the obvious or visible ways. Sometimes, real change can take a long time to have significant effects. And in some cases, it may happen over night due to a major crisis, incident, or event.

My question is without promising to save the world, rather than waiting on the world to change, how do you think your personal contributions in the world can produce or create needed changes which benefit the world in any number of ways?

What minor or seemingly insignficant changes do you think have changed it for the better?

Impact and contributions don't have to be major projects. They can be simple things you do everything which have an impact you never realized, whether now or later :)

My personal contributions - Through education, I have had the benefit of learning more about people through their situations and circumstances - from various socioeconomic backgrounds, encouraged me to be more respectful and understanding of individual, social, and cultural differences. This has taught me to listen more, engage in more perspective taking, and be more capable of respecting and appreciating differences between people. I try to demonstrate this awareness or new level of understanding when I'm chatting with anyone, so that they feel accepted and understood. Not that this always works or works perfectly but but when I do put the effort into showing more understanding and respect, people tend to feel more comfortable, less frustrated because they feel someone has made some effort to understand them.
I made career choices in organizations that make a difference in the world, I raised four kids through the thick and thin of life (who are now awesome adults), I participated in various charitable and humanitarian projects, and....I have adopted a spiritual lifestyle that had guided and infused all the rest each and every day. I do this not because I just want to make the world a better place....I do it because it has all made me a better me. All I can say I have really done in all this is to say "yes."
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As Ghandi said: "Be the change you want to see".

I follow that maxim. I listen to others. Validate their circumstances and their feelings. I try really hard to accept them for who they are. I hope this encourages them to accept themselves.
I try to pay it forward in the hopes my actions ripple outward to make people smile (on the inside) so their smiles are passed on to whomever they meet.

We need more unconditional acceptance on this world - not division. That is my goal - one person at a time.

I wish you peace.
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Change must be built on a solid structural foundation. If you want positive change in your community, you must go out and create rapport. You must know your fellow citizens from top to bottom. Search out your schools, your banks, your churches, and anywhere else: what does your community rest on? What else could it use? For example, I find bullying's roots to lie to not so much in the emotional abuse itself but in the lack of structure that can guide positive societal growth. In order for that growth to happen, we must be conscious of how we achieve progress, not just progress for the sake of it.
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How to save the world? I am obsessed with this question but I am slowly but surely finding the answer. Although I still recycle my soda can deep down I know that this action will not save the world. Sure recycle responsibly, car pool and ride your bike to work but guess what? It won't help all that much. The Earth is still heading towards the final count down. The answer is in activism and unity. We need to put pressure on the big mega changes. We need to become citizens again and fight in a smart unified way. Only then can the changes really become meaningful.


We have to become responsible citizens again. We have to find the courage to change the way we have been doing things.

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