Recent content by Whiskers | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Whiskers

  1. Whiskers

    Whose type are you?

    It's been a mixed bag, but the ones that came up the most often were the following: ENTPs, INTPs, and INTJs. So basically the NTs except ENTJs.
  2. Whiskers

    Pet Peeves

    When people neg rep you for no apparent reason. LOL
  3. Whiskers

    gender and cleaning

    I was an only child. My mother enforced a strict cleaning regimen on me, specifically reinforcing it as a necessity for "little girls" (as opposed to little boys) to help keep an extremely clean house as to not "bring shame to the family". Even when I was very young I didn't buy into the double...
  4. Whiskers

    Dating other INFJs?

    I only know a few INFJs in person, and only one of them is male. This male is dating a close friend of mine. Considering the circumstances, I haven't had the opportunity to ever give serious thought to dating another INFJ. I suspect I would be reluctant to, however, as I think I would prefer a...
  5. Whiskers

    Can an INFJ exist without a soulmate?

    I regard myself as a whole person rather than half of a theoretical couple.
  6. Whiskers

    Aw thank you! I've just had a really hectic weekend. ;_; We need to MSN one of these days!

    Aw thank you! I've just had a really hectic weekend. ;_; We need to MSN one of these days!
  7. Whiskers

    [INFJ] How nostalgic are you?

    I have many fond memories of my past, to be sure, but I don't spend much time dwelling on them. I'm more future-oriented I guess. I've found my almost complete lack of nostalgia to be curious, though. Maybe it's because I feel there's so much good in my life right now to focus on, and so much...
  8. Whiskers

    [INFJ] Dating an ST

    If I had to choose I'd go for an ESTP or an ISTJ. The ESTPs I know are very animated and spontaneous, as well as relaxed. This strikes me as a useful counterpoint to my reserved and neurotic tendencies. An ESTP would probably help me get out of my own head more often lol. As for ISTJs, I...
  9. Whiskers

    Which Positive Quality Are You?

    Your Result: Courage You are Courage. Courage is bravery, daring to do what is right in the face of adversity. Courage allows for the triumph of good over evil. "Courage does what must be done no matter what the consequences."
  10. Whiskers

    Clues that give you a hint that an INFJ is angry or uncomfortable...

    This really rings true for me as well. Nonverbal cues will likely be quite revelatory as to whether an INFJ is upset.
  11. Whiskers

    Signs that an INFJ likes a person

    I think the number one factor for me is time investment. If I admire, respect, and otherwise appreciate someone, I tend to seek out their company (i.e. by inviting them places, making time in my schedule for them etc.). I would also likely be quite talkative with them; when someone piques my...
  12. Whiskers

    [INFJ] INFJ + INFJ and the importance of being understood

    I think your friend is wise to abstain from dating anyone right now. In my opinion, when someone has serious problems they need to address with themselves, these issues tend to be an obstacle to a healthy relationship. If you two are ever to date, perhaps your friend should do some soul...
  13. Whiskers

    We should! Lemme know when you're free sometime. :3

    We should! Lemme know when you're free sometime. :3
  14. Whiskers

    Have you ever cut someone out of your life?

    Yep, a few! One was my former best friend. When my ex boyfriend and I broke up, I had the impression she was interested in him. I wasn't especially comfortable with this a week after the break up, but I was prepared to work through it. I asked her if she was interested in him and she denied it...
  15. Whiskers

    The Highly Sensitive Person Quiz

    19, higher than I anticipated!