Recent content by Tamara | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Tamara

  1. Tamara

    What makes you strong?

    I have a strong love for myself. In a way, I feel sorry for myself. That's why I can't wait to have a kid someday. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself. I can worry about someone else for a change. Also, my mom is a strong person, and this helps tremendously. She's an ISFP, and I've seen...
  2. Tamara

    Do think you are a difficult person?

    I don't think I'm a difficult person. I think I'm fair. If there is a conflict of interest, I try to compromise. If the other person prefer to have things go their way at my expense, to hell with politeness. What some people call rude, I call being straightforward.
  3. Tamara

    How do you see life?

    one irritating adjustment after another. if life ever goes the way I want it to go, I am one happy person. I'm rarely happy.
  4. Tamara

    I hate extroverts

    The extraverts I can't stand the most are ESTPs. They are "attention-seekers". Sometimes the things they do for attention are disruptive to others. The other extroverts I'm ok with.
  5. Tamara

    Are you thin?

    No, my hips are too wide, breast too big, and I'm "big-boned". I try to eat nutritious foods that gives me energy...whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meats. For breakfast I had apple cinnimon oatmeal and eggs with cheese.
  6. Tamara

    What kind of wine are you

    You Are Sauvignon Blanc Engaging and energetic, you have a lot to offer the world - most of it they've never seen anywhere else! You are the type of person who carves your own path in life... and you invite everyone else to come along. The only thing predictable about you is that you...
  7. Tamara

    Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

    libraries, cultural arts affairs, theatrical performances
  8. Tamara

    What are your biggest fears and how do you overcome them?

    -Not fulfilling my dreams -Being vulnerable
  9. Tamara

    Do you get upset easily?

    I get frustrated or angry when I feel people disrespect me. Sometimes, I curse or raise my voice so the person backs off. I'm like a cat. I mind my own business, but when someone disrespects me, my claws come out.
  10. Tamara

    Talking/mocking behind others' backs

    I can completely relate. This is why I am more anti-social than I would like to be. I don't like dealing with people who gossip or get their feelings hurt and say nasty things. When I feel angry or upset I try to respond in a constructive way rather than destructrive.
  11. Tamara

    "Nice girl" personality or stereotype

    I would not want to associate myself with someone who doesn't respect me for me. It's not worth it. You just have to be optimistic and say that there is person out there for me who will take the time to get to know me and appreciate me.
  12. Tamara

    Make an incomplete sentence

    seaweed and pepsi cola bottles along the
  13. Tamara

    How Do You Know You're an INFJ?

    I had a big imagination as a kid. ENxPs have big imaginations as well. As a kid I was always trying to invent things (a roller coaster, a tree house, a snow fort, board games, a secret medicinal potion). I also loved to read fiction books: Oliver Twist, Clue, Goose Bumps, Indiana Jones...