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  • Lol, not too dramatic. xD Life can be so surprising and you're right that it can end too soon. :hug: I'm glad that nothing bad didn't happen. ;_;
    Yeah, I was usually the one that didn't have to study at all and did great all the time, which in hind site I really wish I learned how to work harder. With schooling and depression and medication I just really didn't retain anything. And now that I finally have a clear head I'm having to push myself miles more than I ever had in just getting shit done. I've scraped by on less than nothing for so long that doing something seems really hard. I finally finished that chapter in that book, so that's good! Lol now just another chapter in another book and another book... -_-

    I'm getting there, a little at a time I'm getting there.

    I use to sleep a lot and still always be tired. That of course was the medication more than me being me however when I am anxious, and it's not a kind of anxiety where I know why it's happening or even sometimes that it is happening, I'm tired to all hell. I think it's that my mind will race in the background and in the foreground it's like I can't keep a thought but that's not true, I'm just thinking so much and so fast that I can't catch a thought. And by the end of it I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Have that going on today but I ran and that helped a bit... Now just gotta go to work and relax *faint smile* Things you are anxious about doing are always better about an hour into doing them.
    I miss him so much... It's just not few kilometers, much much more. :D I'm actually surprised that people haven't been so mean to me about this relationship, because we live far away from each other and mostly people don't understand it. :(
    It makes me sad sometimes. I don't think heart will look it where the love lives, lol! It just, loves. >_< ♥ Love doesn't look anything really. Oh, now talking so deeps, hehe~ Oops. Oh, you're not alone! I'm sometimes clingy too. >_<
    Aww, I can relate. He's my only best & really close friend too. :/ Yeah, that happened to me too... They have now new lives in new towns with new people and everything. We really don't talk much nowadays, 2 of them I've known for almost my whole life. :(
    Another girl who is very silly and funny, always makes people laugh lol, we have known each other since we were babies! LOL. Because our mom's are best friends. ^_^ But sadly we are not friends anymore, sniff. And the other girl, a bit of tomboy but very sweet, we have known each other since we were in the same classes in elementary and high school. So about 10 years. :) Sad we drifted apart... :/

    Aw, I'm sure you will see all the Europe someday! :) It can be fairly cheap too to be honest (though, plane tickets between Canada/US - Europe can be pricy >_<) because of trains! There are those cheap many days train tickets and sometimes
    European young people travel with those tickets many days and see many countries and live in cheap (but clean!) hotels. It's very popular and I was little bit jealous when some people of my high school once did that. xD
    Spain is very lovely~ ^_^ Awh, thank you. I hope so... This cold loooong winter is too much for me, hrrr.

    Omg, so long reply, I am sorry. :m070: :m187: Hehe.

    I've been okey. ^_^ Very tired though. This week has been better than usually~

    How have you been lately?
    Oh, your profile page is pretty, again~ ^_^ Yeah, yumm! Now I want some chicken wings, hehe. xD

    Awwh. :/ I'm sorry to hear that. ;_; Nooo, sometimes it's okey to complain! Things won't change if not discussing about them and complaining is one way doing it, lol~ >_<
    It's veeeery lonely to live alone. I just want to hug and cuddle someone (cough, boyfriend, cough ;) ) And here I am, alone... Sometimes I ask from myself, what the... I am doing?? :S
    I mean, yes, I could find someone who lives near to me and can live with me and not be in the long distance relationship with someone but in the end, he's the one who I really want... :/
    Grrrr, so hard...!!! I don't visit my parents often, sniff. :( My parents are divorced and dad lives in the big capital city 45 minutes away and mom lives only 10 minutes away, small town. xD So only excuses, eheh...
    Yeah, I agree. Work and school can take lot of time and mostly they do... It's hard to find time and especially energy sometimes. :/ So tired after work. z_z Are you studying something? :)
    Yay, new friend! ♥

    Haha, lol. xD I wish to become like your sister, then. Even I'm very tidy BUT lazy (tidy, maybe because not having much stuff, lol), the food-cooking-thing needs more trying & failing I guess. :>
    Your sister is Miss. (Master) Chef, hehe! :D *turns green* lol... Well, we will see do you guys see any master pieces of mine. xD
    I dunno if it's a N vs S thing necessarily. I know the intuitives I talk to from college seem to not understand how smart they are in comparison because that's just them and that's just how their mind works. I know intuitives can retain more information and hold on to it longer which would be good for test taking save that pesky anxiety most of us seem to have *shakes fist*
    Lol didn't you make a 90 on that last one?? What happened?! :O
    *nods* You should study harder. 79% sounds about right though, when us intuitives' half ass things ;)
    Thankies for the "sweet" comment on my vm board. Made me smile. Mostly sweet, balanced with sour too... human, so human. :). Happiest Friday to you! oxo
    Oh my god I'm having so much trouble trying to not eat candy!!! O.O It looks so good I can taste it x.x *drool coma* xD

    It totally reminds me of 'Down to Fuck!!!' When people started calling me that I was like, 'I dunno how I feel about this...' hahaha

    *puts on secretary glasses* The thing about business is you need to be comfortable with change and 'the new thing.' Blockbuster could have bought Netflix for pennies but decided not to. Now they don't exist anymore. That very same thing has happened to so many businesses, that for all intensive purposes were at the top of their game and doing much better than Blockbuster; they all died out because they weren't willing to change or didn't think anyone would buy them if they did changed. Blockbusters end was really just a reminder of that to a lot of other companies. And now more than ever, with the internet and innovation happening so quickly, everyone needs to be able to change and roll and change and roll ROLL TIDE! *swings lasso*

    Lol I took it once when I was on my period; only time I ever got Extrovert xD

    Dunno if Dunkin' Donuts in South Korea would taste the same *squints* I heard from a friend who went to Australia that the bread is not as sweet there as it is here and I read in an article from some dude who lived elsewhere that every bread product in America is really, really sweet if you're not use to it. Totally believe 'em too. I wish I had bread that wasn't so sweet :( I feel like it's not bread when it's that sweet. Can't even eat the Cajun bread, it's WAY too sweet for me x.x
    I am really THAT bad at cooking, lol! xD You have no idea how many times I've eaten burned cookies or chicken, eh... Aw, it would be fun! ^_^ Fire hose is definitely needed, yes. >_<

    Awww, thank you. ;_; I'm so sorry to hear that you're too. *hug* Yeah, I think so also.. :/ It's sad that there are Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums etc. and more people than ever but still people are lonely. :(
    I'm a very lone wolf but it doesn't mean that I don't need any human contacts. But I am also aware that I NEED TO make the change, no one else can sadly, eheh. >_< I need to talk to people and get new friends!
    But it's so damn hard, byyaah. ;/ You can give me a note any time too if you need someone to talk~

    Heh, thanks. I'm still learning about the household, even that I have had to help mom with many things at the childhood's home too. Especially the cooking is important to learn. .___. Aww, but we are always our parents' babies! :3
    He definitely should, I need to poke him~~ ♥ Missing him soooo muuuch. ;_; YES, he is!! It's so silly but in a some weird way I understand him. He wants to build his (our) life and it's easier when having more money, lol!
    Aw, I'm sorry that your bf seems to be a workaholic too sometimes. >_<

    Nope, but I would love to live in Germany, Switzerland, Norway or Spain! Greece is lovely too... BUT it's nice to consider that Spain and Greece don't have good economical situation right now, so finding jobs would be hard. :/
    Aww, I'm sorry. ;_; Ahah, great idea! XD Then we never would be lonely anymore! Yeah.. It's so hard to do anything without money. Life is so expensive. .__.

    I agree. ^_^ Future is so surprising and unexpected. Never can know what will happen and maybe that's just good~

    Awwh, Mish is the best too! :hug: :m045:
    Sending you a hug tonight cause it simply feels right!! :) Hope your week is going well...
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