SuperDruid | INFJ Forum


I'm a fairly typical INFJ. There's no doubt for me that I'm INFJ, though I try to be more rounded and social (without unnecessarily contorting myself into something I'm not). I'm a reclusive artist who lives the greater part of life 'on the inside', and in the past I've had a few so-called 'paranormal' experiences, too.

I love nature, ideas, walking, reading, spirituality and philosophy, writing creatively, colour, spelling 'colour' in a non-American way, swimming, and foreign/festival type films and documentaries.

At times I feel very isolated and alone and would like to connect with like minds. At times I can be very sponge-like, absorbing all kinds of things from others be they good or bad, and therefore I often need to insulate myself in order to look after myself properly.

I'm a creative writer. My work has appeared in a variety of NZ and Australian publications. I enjoy writing poetry, but I don't consider myself flakey; I also write essays, non-fiction articles, and fiction. Fiction includes fantasy, literary fiction, and trashy pulp horror (in which I try to intergrate my dark side in a creative and socially acceptable manner). My latest stories appear in anthologies by Severed Press.

Recently, writing itself has become a spiritual practice. This might sound super-flakey, but i find it actually works spiritually on an experiential level. I write, and get lost in the act of writing and the world of the imagination, and then I leave the writing and go and interact with the outer world of people and things again. I'm tending to find that whatever I write about will present itself in peculiar ways and connections in that outer world, especially concerning people I get to be around a lot or people who end up becoming influential later on. This whole thing I've just explained is my primary interest, I suppose, though I rarely share it with anyone but my closest most trusted friends. Krazy krazy krazy!

I've been trying to learn to speak Welsh for over a decade but I'm too easily distracted from sticking at it.
I'm Welsh: was bought up in South Wales and emigrated to New Zealand at the age of twenty-one after several years working on cargo ships.

I've studied my dreams for years, ever since I became convinced of the truth of many of Jung's ideas following a colourful series of dreams. This all happened after a complete mental breakdown in my early thirties. Particularly since then, I often encounter striking examples of synchronicity, though these don't seem to happen for reasons of any 'higher purpose' or particular spiritual agenda: often to my disappointment, they seem to just happen for no apparent reason. I now believe these connections are random, but always try to chase them up just to check. Hope this doesn't sound like a whole lot of Karazy.

I used to be involved with the Jehovah's Witness cult and am very relieved to have shed my fundamentalist Christian past.

I am sexually ambiguous and 'alternative'.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1.)A sense of value and self-worth, 2.) nature, 3.) friends, 4.) my laptop, 5.) scalding hot cups of tea, and 6.) the consolation of books.
Career as above.

My goal would be to become a m
