Recent content by Siren | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Siren

  1. Siren


    What are your thoughts on them? Do you believe that companies should be allowed to have these sweatshops on [insert country(countries) here]? Are they ethical? If we should have sweatshops, should we increase the standards of working in a sweatshop? Debate over if you're con or pro. As for me...
  2. Siren

    I want to die laughing

    "What did the boy melon say to the girl melon?" "But honeydew, we cantaloupe." "Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever." "The politician was gone but unnoticed, like the period after...
  3. Siren

    What are your thoughts on the Enneagram?

    Do you think it's a decent typology system? Would you recommend a friend to use the Enneagram to find out their type? Share what you think of the Enneagram, both good and bad. As for me, I think the Enneagram is a pretty solid system. It takes into account a lot like levels of development...