Sherlock Holmes | INFJ Forum

Sherlock Holmes

Just learned about my type and find the theory a bit interesting. Currently a Psychology student and also as you probably see, a Holmes fan. If there are any other questions you have just ask.

Psychology, some anime, music, observation, trying new things out (such as this forum.) I am also here to observe since I assume at least that the majority of you here are INFJs which is the "rarest" type, I would like to get to know a few of you at least and see how you fit into your type.
I am male, age 23. Not sure what else you want to know...
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
6. Opportunities
5. Psychology
4. Holmes books
3. Friends
2. Family
1. Myself (don't mean to sound "egotistical" but really, one can't live if one doesn't exist so doesn't it make sense to make it my first choice?)
What would be your epitaph?
I don't want one, I wish to be cremated and save some room in the earth for someone else to rot in.
Many things that I fear I won't live to do but I w
