Recent content by SevenSees | INFJ Forum

Recent content by SevenSees

  1. SevenSees

    I don't recall

    I don't recall
  2. SevenSees

    [INFJ] As an infj whats your view about Truth and absolute truth?

    This question deserves an honest, forthright, and straightforward response. None are qualified. Why? We did not make truth. We have not a clue what it is, so it will always be subjective, collectively agreed or disagreed upon, and unreachable to anyone. We can only do our best to comply...
  3. SevenSees

    Me discovering I have free time to relax

    Me discovering I have free time to relax
  4. SevenSees

    I have weird memories of another life before - as a hunter/gatherer type

    I have weird memories of another life before - as a hunter/gatherer type
  5. SevenSees

    I have weird memories from another life

    I have weird memories from another life
  6. SevenSees

    Thanks, I feel very welcome :-)

    Thanks, I feel very welcome :-)
  7. SevenSees

    Doin' some prognosticatin'

    Doin' some prognosticatin'
  8. SevenSees

    ahhhh...that really cools off the gray matter...YAAAAS

    ahhhh...that really cools off the gray matter...YAAAAS
  9. SevenSees

    Planning a coup after resorting to subterfuge; sneaking up on invasive and unwanted terror...

    Planning a coup after resorting to subterfuge; sneaking up on invasive and unwanted terror cells, yet before their briers bloom freely.
  10. SevenSees

    If you could buy memories would you?

    I love Red Dwarf's first few seasons up til season seven, after that....well. That said, this was one of the better story lines for the show. The ship's hologram, "Rimmer", was the unknowing recipient of shipmate Lister's memories of a spectacular (but abandoned so failed) relationship with a...
  11. SevenSees

    INFJ acupuncture session

    INFJ acupuncture session
  12. SevenSees

    watching time pass peaceably

    watching time pass peaceably
  13. SevenSees

    playing piano

    playing piano
  14. SevenSees

