Recent content by Ruv Draba | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Ruv Draba

  1. Ruv Draba

    What evidence do athiests need to believe in God?

    Sorry Jack and Slant. Now fixed.
  2. Ruv Draba

    Atheism and certainty

    Atheism means literally "without a god". But what that means may depend on what we think a god is. For me, a god is a magical being that I worship. I don't believe in magical beings but can't be sure that they don't exist, so I'm magically agnostic. However, whether they exist or not I don't...
  3. Ruv Draba

    What is the difference between Science and Religion?

    Science tries to discover how things work. That's really its whole job. The main quality of science is to give answers that are unambiguous (if not perfect) and don't depend on who you are or what your history or beliefs are. Our best scientific results are repeatable for everyone (e.g. toss...
  4. Ruv Draba

    What evidence do athiests need to believe in God?

    Hi Jack Slant, You may find the following Youtube links useful to answer your question: How to Convert an Atheist Part I and Part II. These arguments are directed toward convincing skeptical people of the numinous and/or magical, however they wouldn't necessarily convince people to serve a...