Recent content by Rosslyn | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Rosslyn

  1. Rosslyn

    INFJ ignoring INTJ

    As an INFJ female, I used to freeze up when guys I liked spoke to me. I am still pretty hard to read in that regard, so I'm learning to be direct. Keep trying to talk to her.
  2. Rosslyn

    ESFJ mom and INFJ daughter

    Lately I've been these conversations with my mom about my anxieties and such. My mom keeps telling me I have control issues when I tell her that I feel drive to change things when I see they could be better. It's my perfectionist qualities combined with my need to help others. I don't know how...
  3. Rosslyn

    What would you like to tell the child you once were?

    I would tell myself that it's okay I don't fit in. It will all be worth it one day. It will get better; not easier, but better. Stay strong and don't close everyone out.
  4. Rosslyn

    INFJ with ESFP roommate and ESTJ husband

    I would just talk to her honestly. It seems very tough, but try to work it in a way where it doesn't seem like you're annoyed. Tell her you enjoy your alone time and don't always want to chat.