Recent content by Rock | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Rock

  1. R

    [INFJ] You know you're an INFJ when...

    When you skip an entire conversation with someone because you already know how the whole thing is going to go...
  2. R

    What is the meaning of faith?

    I live in a universe of faith. Science is a predictive tool based on faith. While mathematically possible I could get out of bed and literally fall through the empty spaces of the atoms that make up my floor, I have faith that it will not happen. When you come 14 billion years late to the...
  3. R

    I don't wanna be normal

    I got very scared the day I won all my self defined battles. It was a strange reward to recieve after all that hard work. I found something unexpected when I let go of all that fear and ambition. I found that I still existed just fine without any major goals or agendas. In fact I became a...
  4. R

    Attention INFJ's !! Big important Experiment ...

    Seeing this out of context. Looks like an alien using smiling faces to trick me into becoming dinner. Or those are the souls of its latest victims. Either way, nightmare fuel....
  5. R

    Thank you for the kindness.

    Thank you for the kindness.
  6. R


    I don't know if I would have the energy for a second, secret relationship. Maybe I'm just too lazy...:blush:. First real relationship 22 years ago taught me what it feels like to be cheated on. Was not a fan of it so I doubt I'll pass that behavior on any time soon. Still life can be strange...
  7. R

    Do you ever just have a blank mind?

    Yes and it is amazing. I love the dead space between thoughts as it is nice to get that little ego voice to just shut the hell up for a moment. Sadly i only hit those thought gaps occasionally during sitting meditation and they only last a few seconds.
  8. R

    [INFJ] infj and reading people

    I see body lang and pick up on speech patterns. I then seem to apply what i see against known patterns of behavior so I can adjust to that person's needs. Sometimes it happens so fast it just rolls into a gut feeling and a coresponding reaction on my part. I just believe i know (right or...
  9. R

    [INFJ] What Have You Done Today?

    Felt remorse about eating my yogurt knowing full well how many bacteria I was killing. Stared up at the clouds and felt amazement at what we have. Tried to say hi to a coworker but couldn't bring myself to interrupt him while he was working. Tried to save an ant which had hitched a ride on me...