Recent content by Red | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Red

  1. Red

    [ENFP] An ENFP falling for an INFJ; a tale of confusion, bliss and the missing link

    At the moment we are really good friends, I've known her for about 4 years, I transferred to her high school and actually dated her for like 3 days in the first year before my adolescent tendencies pushed her away, ever since that point I've made it my goal to really understand her, which wasn't...
  2. Red

    [ENFP] ENFPs: the least intellectual NF?

    Ok so mostly all of that is true but think about the depth you just exerted into that post, while we do indeed prefer a breadth of knowledge to a depth of knowledge, do not confuse that with a lack of intelligence. I can recal numerous accounts of my taking to a specific subject and diving...
  3. Red

    [ENFP] An ENFP falling for an INFJ; a tale of confusion, bliss and the missing link

    So, I'm completely lost, crazy about, depressed, obsessed, demoralized, empowered, devastated, and madly in love with an infj... I believe with all my heart that I love her(I don't use the word loosely, even if she decided to have a relationship with someone else I would still do anything for...