Recent content by Psychonaut | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Psychonaut

  1. Psychonaut

    INFJ + ENFJ relationship dynamics.

    I have an ENFJ best friend and (like the others) we're very in sync. We constantly have those "I was just thinking that" moments, and I mean constantly (even over text). I think she's hilarious and vice versa. We've never had any fights because we're so similar; it's an optimal friendship. She...
  2. Psychonaut

    INFJ and ESTJ?

    I have an ESTJ friend, and our relationship is shallow (we only smoke together lol) at best. It's the little quirks he has that drive me up a wall (he worries too much, has no feelings, can be extremely rude, likes to be right all the time). We disagree about almost everything (mostly because he...
  3. Psychonaut

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    ENTPs do NOT have Ni, they have Ne.
  4. Psychonaut

    Nope, I meant the literal term ^_^

    Nope, I meant the literal term ^_^
  5. Psychonaut

    How Do You Want to Die?

    I don't really care how, but I want to die after my future lover dies. Because I would rather have to live without them than have them have to live without me.
  6. Psychonaut

    [INFJ] INFJs: Critical, Cruel, Perfectionists under Stress?

    I retreat inwards and use the stress as a motivating force, which sometimes leads to me being more callous, but I usually try to stay away from people so I don't say/do things I'll regret.
  7. Psychonaut

    Do you think the bible teaches that belief in Jesus leads to freedom?

    ,As an ex-Catholic, the only freedom religion brings is freedom from the "tough problems" in life. I left the church in April, and I have times when I want to go back because it was comforting; I was given answers to questions I was to scared to think about because that would mean rethinking...
  8. Psychonaut

    [INFJ] Religion

    I was raised Catholic, and am now an atheist. From an early age I had problems with Catholic/Christian doctrine, but I made a good effort to "make it work." I was extremely involved in my church, with everything I could volunteer for. But, one can only push away reality for so long. The funny...
  9. Psychonaut

    Scientists have power to bring back dead

    That's complete BS, and extremely ignorant. Do you always stereotype people you don't understand?