Recent content by PandaBookie | INFJ Forum

Recent content by PandaBookie

  1. PandaBookie

    [INFJ] Gas station for the soul

    Please!! Someone make a gas station for the soul! I wouldn't mind just running to the gas station, refill myself for ten minutes then run out the door again! My goodness, soul-heaven
  2. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    Carey Mulligan Interview: Simon Baker Interview:
  3. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    Okay, idk if I posted this twice before so I am going to write it again. I compared a well known INFJ actress Carey Mulligan giving a story of how she got into the set of The Great Gatsby to Simon Baker giving a wedding story on Ellen. Carey Mulligan describes in full detailed about her feelings...
  4. PandaBookie

    Is this what an infj means by inner life?

    If he/she imagined it, yes. Usually INFJ's (day)dreams are really vivid and creative, not necessarily practical. Of course, it's different for all INFJ's. My first daydream (when I was three)was a classic: in the field with some mystical unicorns and Care Bears and Teletubbies. I would have tons...
  5. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    I totally agree with Simon Baker being an INTJ. I compared him and an well known INFJ Carey Mulligan, I saw that he talks about more of the details which shows he has a strong Te. Carey Mulligan;however, talked about her stories with lots of expression and her story was more about how she felt...
  6. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    I agree! I was watching that video and I compared it with an INFJ Carey Mulligan and their styles are absolutely different. With Carey Mulligan, she talked about personal stories with a lot of expression. This shows her strong Fe. When I heard Simon Baker's story, it was certainly more factual...
  7. PandaBookie

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    When people can mistake you an extrovert until you go to a party with them ;) whoops!
  8. PandaBookie

    Our Masks

    I have a lot of masks: -family mask: talkative and responsible for obligated duties -friends mask: giddy, talkative and sometimes feeling a little fake because I need my quiet and space - strangers mask: reserved, shy, possibly even cold -authorities mask: polite, quiet, very feminine like and...
  9. PandaBookie

    [INFJ] Do you often feel inarticulate and dumb?

    I do feel inarticulate in some days but that's because I have to collect my thoughts or think of a better word to fit in the conversation then speak accordingly. At first, it did made me feel dumb because everyone was speaking so fast and I was not. Then I found out about Carl Jung's cognitive...
  10. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    Oh I guess both! I kinda had a suspicion that Patrick Jane may be an INFJ :) I'm not too sure about Simon Baker
  11. PandaBookie

    This is going to be an odd question.

    I do it mostly to the people I know. When an acquaintance or a friend ask me something, I already did it for them because I already knew what they were going to ask.
  12. PandaBookie

    [INFJ] Is this your face?

    Heehee! My parents told me since I was born I never smiled, I just look at other people's faces. Now I smile in pictures at least :)
  13. PandaBookie

    Simon Baker: The Mentalist

    Is Simon Baker from The Mentalist a INFJ? I searched all over Google and I can't find an unanimous answer.
  14. PandaBookie

    The Simpsons

    This is a slide that shows which Character in the Simpson has what type and shows how to figure your type.
  15. PandaBookie

    [INTP] looking for a relationship advice with INFJ

    I think she is just really down from her previous relationship and is more guarded than usual. INFJ's are naturally guarded and with an event of betrayal, she probably thinks that she can't trust anyone or show her deep, real feelings. I think the way to go is to talk to her as friends. Being...