Recent content by owl | INFJ Forum

Recent content by owl

  1. owl

    Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

    Generally pessimistic, though as rawr said, it's largely dependent on which direction the wind happens to be blowing at the time.
  2. owl

    INFJ curious about ENTJ

    Their sensitivity getting in the way? Hmm. I've dated an ENTJ coworker on and off for over a year. They're fun to be around but can be draining after a short while, and as others have noted, have a penchant for always thinking they're right... sometimes even in the face of irrefragable proof...
  3. owl

    Would you fall in love with an AI?

    Interesting question considering how the technological singularity looms ominously over the horizon.
  4. owl

    [INFJ] Childhood for you? Please be honest with yourself and us!

    Well I screwed that up, and I apparently can't delete this, so...
  5. owl

    Your perceptions/experiences of INTJ's

    I love INTJs. They're infinitely fascinating, especially when you can tap the wellsprings of their minds. Perhaps a tad frigid in regards to human emotion at times, but that's okay. They mean well. Sorry for any crass generalisations; just relating my experience!
  6. owl

    [INFJ] Childhood for you? Please be honest with yourself and us!

    Cold, distant, uncaring mother. Somewhat caring but callous and impenetrable father who worked a lot, and thus was rarely home. Most of my childhood was spent immersed in books and the playground of my imagination. My adolescence and teenage years seem like one big, awkward stumble, though I...