Recent content by Offline | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Offline

  1. Offline

    Outcast anyone?

    I didn't read up on it yet maybe I will whenever I'm less stressed, how have you been?
  2. Offline

    Outcast anyone?

    It came to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore the functions pointed to INTJ and INFJ but I don't seem to be able to just click with any group so I don't know. INFJs said INTP while INTPs said INFJ, INFPs seemed to be too nice so INTJ seemed pretty good. But I think that I'm a Libra...
  3. Offline

    Outcast anyone?

    Things have been better my last relationship is gone now I ended that back in February, I'm happy I can do everything I want to now. What about you?
  4. Offline

    Outcast anyone?

    You can brag all you want here.
  5. Offline

    Outcast anyone?

    Basically I made this thread for anyone who can't find a group to be with now I don't maybe I'll just be in this one thread alone forever but if you have anything to talk about or really feel lonely and no group clicks with you just say something in the thread start a conversation.
  6. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    In my opinion the problem for me is basically too many people create more threats. If we are able to keep illegal immigrants from coming into the US (most) we will just be protecting the country. The more people that come the bigger the threat but that's just my opinion.
  7. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    If you come here illegally and only one political party is trying to keep you in the country who else would you vote for? The guys that want you to leave? Of course not.
  8. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    Though I never said they are controlling congress, just the votes.
  9. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    Why else would they want people to come into the country illegally?
  10. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    Well if you let people come here illegally then there going to be on you're side and they will vote for you pretty simple.
  11. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    It really just seems the Democrats want more votes.
  12. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    I just said if they are making such restrictions why are we letting them in?
  13. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    What is you're point?
  14. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    Nvm it was just saying that if they have such strict laws about it why don't we?
  15. Offline

    Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

    Let's not talk about the 2 years in jail an American would spend if they illegally went to Mexico. If they came back again they would spend 10 years in jail.