Recent content by ngreenfield | INFJ Forum

Recent content by ngreenfield

  1. ngreenfield

    Can men subconsciously feel that a woman as had sex recently?

    It couldn't be proven but with enough similar experience could be viewed as generally true?
  2. ngreenfield

    Can men subconsciously feel that a woman as had sex recently?

    I'm not sure, but one very odd thing I've noticed....after i have had a good cry, men everywhere seem to smile at me and notice me. Its happened SO CONSISTENTLY, that I have wondered if something biological happened. Is it that i appear at peace? vulnerable yet happy? is it pheromones? anyone...
  3. ngreenfield

    INFJ Dating Bible or: How to Date an INFJ

    This is perhaps the most comprehensive and best account of what being an INFJ is like. Thank you! It made me chuckle in recognition of so many truths.
  4. ngreenfield

    Second parent dies and luck is now on my side

    Hello Artemisia, its odd, but i too experienced a newfound energy after my father passed away. I loved him and spent a lot of time with him, but our relationship was complex and i worried a lot about him; I found after the initial grief and loss, a huge weight had lifted from my shoulders. I...
  5. ngreenfield

    Does INFJ = ADHD?

    I enjoyed reading your your post, Macy. Relate to so much of it. I too was not diagnosed until later (30's) so I suffer the effects of years of undiagnosis. I rely on alarm clocks, lists, and notes. I'm an art teacher so fortunately I have found a career that suits my personality, and find the...
  6. ngreenfield

    Does INFJ = ADHD?

    I am INFJ and ADD (inattentive, daydreamer flakey type). Maybe there are more of us out there than one would think. How about INFJ/ADD/ and Left handedness?? :)
  7. ngreenfield

    Does INFJ = ADHD?

    Hello--fellow ADD + INFJ here!!! I think there must be some overlap between INFJ traits and also ADD (or ADHD)....I was undiagnosed until my 30's and while it was a relief to find out, I unfortunately suffered for years undiagnosed. By the grace of God I did well in school--I think the structure...